The prophet Amos challenged Israel's sinful culture in Amos chapter 6 with these powerful words, "Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never- failing stream." He was notifying the nation that it was time to stop playing religious games and get serious with God!
'Justice' has always been a code name for being and acting "Christian" in the church since its inception. Certain denominational traditions tend to equate "justice" and people who commit just acts as definitive of how one becomes a Christian (ie. "The Social Gospel") , while traditional evangelical churches teach that 'justice" is not the means of salvation but the fruit of what happens in one's life when he or she accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord. Either way," the role of Justice,"is central to the teachings of Jesus and the meaning of salvation.
But today, there seems to be a lot of "redefinition" of terms happening by those who would seek to hi-jack the church for their own political purposes. In some sectors, "justice" has been redefined in 'social terms' trying to equate good church behavior with supporting government projects which have nothing to do with Biblical Justice but wreak with political agendas. Could it be that as in the days of the Trojan War, there is a "Trojan Horse" sitting at the doorsteps of the modern church, and we don't even know it. Let me explain.
The past presidential administration believed in supporting "faith based initiatives, " where government financial support was funneled to religious based institutions which were involved in communities for the social good. Those who follow a "left leaning" political persuasion cried that such policies were an infringement of 'separation of church and state.' Much was accomplished but so much more could have been done without the usual political wrangling; this time over a term that was never even mentioned in the US constitution but has become a sword used by some to attack Christian principles.
So it has become very interesting to view the political landscape today and this present administration's approach to faith based initiative and the separation issue, because we are suddenly seeing a redefinition of terms to fit a new agenda that again has very little to do with a Biblical or moral agenda. The term that I am referring to is "Social Justice." And that is the Trojan Horse that I want to briefly address.
Presently, there is a study being done that would support the combination of efforts between the Government and Churches to meet out 'social justice' to the hurting and needy. In the early part of this countries history, the church handled the welfare programs and did very nicely without Uncle Sam's help. But just recently, the speaker of the house, echoing the words of the administration while speaking at a political conference, declared that it was time for pastor's to get involved and speak to their congregations in support of programs dealing with issues concerning immigration, global warming, and clean air. Wow! What about the separation clause? Where is the A.C.L.U.? Why isn't the press up in arms because the wall between church and state is being breached?
When Jesus spoke of "Social Justice, " He was talking about feeding and taking care of the poor, which was a direct result of the Gospel working in our hearts. Today, the government is thinking about merging the EPA with "Faith Based Initiatives", because the government knows best just what is best for you! This partnership or church 'take-over", whichever you want to call it, will lead to charitable deductions on your tax returns removed and Government bearing down on churches to come in line with their political agenda. The term 'falsehood' refers to putting on the hood of something false and pretending to be what you are not. There is a lot of falsehood going around right now. Not since the days of King George in Colonial Virginia have we witnessed an attempt by government to control the church at large. And though it has not happened yet, the 'Trojan Horse' is at our door.Worse yet, many pastors are buying into the falsehood of this new social justice order.
In Nicaragua, a number of years ago, a political movement known as the Sandinistas combined Marxism with Christianity attempting to forge a union under the banned of 'Social Justice.' Whatever Washington has in mind in suddenly wanting to "cozy up"to the church; even going so far as to help churches with building new sanctuaries if they will "get on board" and go 'green', we have to remain vigilant and faithful to what Jesus meant about "social justice" and not some new government plan that has 'control' written all over it and at the very least leans towards socialism and at the worst Marxist in philosophy. Let Justice roll on like a river but let's be sure that it's the justice the Bible declares and not a Trojan Horse waiting at our gates.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Is there a "Trojan Horse" at the Church's doorstep?"
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Giving Our Lives Away
Last week, I was standing in front of a giant stage in a park in downtown L'viv ,Ukraine where we were about to have a concert featuring "Master Plan 2.0" from our church when a young man approached me with a smile as wide as the stage behind me. I didn't immediately recognize him, but that smile gripped my heart as my mind raced back through time and the many trips that I had made to L'viv.
Then our team leader and base guitar player in the band walked over, and with a big grin of her own said, "Pastor Chuck, do you remember Victor?" As I looked into his bright brown eyes, I suddenly found myself back in an operating room in a L'viv hospital, and the year was 1994. There, standing in front of me was a scared little boy whose eyes were so turned inward that all that could be seen was the white part of the eye ball. Victor's eyes were so crossed that he was doomed to a life of not only partial blindness but ridicule and humiliation. Now here he was standing in front of me, a handsome young man whose eyes were perfectly straight glistening with God's Spirit and most of all a heart of gratitude.
Suddenly I was overwhelmed with a sense of fulfillment and purpose knowing that standing before me was the fruit of our first medical outreach to L'viv; Victor was six years old when we first met in that operating room and Dr. Bobbi, from our team, operated on his severely deformed eyes. Now, at 21 years of age, his future lay before him as a gift from those who were willing to give their lives away as a testimony to God's love. But even more so than fulfillment, I felt a sense of gratitude for the people that make up this wonderful church here at High Mill that have so faithfully given of their time, money, and talents so that others could receive the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus and have their bodies healed at the same time.
When I meet believers who are seemingly bored with life and are not involved in the lives of others, I am reminded of the words of Jesus that ," You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. " When you are busy giving your life away, you don't have time to live joyless lives or be bored. He gives you a sense of Destiny that suddenly gives your life new meaning. So I ask you, Who are you giving your life to?