Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Power Passion and Purpose in the Holy Spirit

If we will be honest, as leaders we all have days where we "hit the wall," so to speak. We experience times of physical and spiritual burnout where we cannot talk to one more person, teach one more class, or preach one more sermon. I know first hand, because I have been there many times. So how do we handle these seasons of spiritual and physical drought? And secondly, if you are at that point right now, where can you turn for guidance and help?

The answer is so very simple, yet we often times miss it. Jesus' disciples were at that very point shortly before His death. They were confused, fearful, and beaten down from all the struggles. But to make matters worse, now Jesus was telling them that it was time for Him to depart.

In Jesus' farewell Discourse, (John 14-17), He shared his love for them and spoke words of destiny and truth. But most of all, He told them that, even though He would not be with them in bodily form, His Spirit would fill them and empower them for Great things.; they had a destiny and would leave a legacy that would change the world forever!

Who then is the Holy Spirit, and is He there for me now in the circumstances that I am facing as a leader or simply as a follower? First of all, the Holy Spirit is God, third part of the Holy Trinity, and what Jesus told His disciples in John 16, is for you and me right here and right now! He taught His disciples in verse 13, "But when He, the" spirit of truth" comes, He will guide you in all the truth, and He will disclose to you what is to come." In other words, if you desire His Presence and will seek Him, He will reveal the truth that will set you free!

In Acts chapter 3, after the healing of the lame beggar, (a man desperate to see God move), Peter preached his second sermon and ended with a challenge. " If you will repent and return to the Lord, your sins will be wiped away, (in other words, your past will be dealt with), in order that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of the Lord." What is the "Presence of the Lord" but the Powerful Presence of HIS Spirit"

It could be sin that has beaten you down, or as stated, weariness and fatigue that are robbing you of that joy which can never be explained unless you know Him. If you are at that point, I want to invite you to a very special morning service at High Mill this Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Kevin Kazemi, who many of you know and have been blessed by, will be speaking on "The Holy Spirit in you, on you, and flowing out of you." I envision our time together on Sunday as one of freedom, deliverance, and healing...Not to mention "Fresh Fire And Anointing in the Holy Spirit!

Our church was birthed out of the "Flames of Pentecost," and the Holy Spirit has always been and will continue to be the very core of our preaching and teaching, Glorifying Jesus. If you are new to High Mill, and your former tradition viewed the Holy Spirit in simply liturgical terms, I want to introduce you to my best friend the "Holy Spirit" in ways that maybe you have never heard nor seen. This Sunday morning can be for you a 'time of Refreshing' like every Sunday is at High Mill, but this Sunday, the focus is on leaving the desert behind, and like the lame beggar, leaping and praising God with renewed vigor and joy! Come and be set free in Worship and His Word!

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