Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knowing His Calling for Your Life

Don Reiter was one of the most amazing men that I had ever met or known. He was not only one of my favorite professors in seminary, but a mentor who, before his students, lived what he taught.
Dr. Reiter's testimony, example of love, and witness before others naturally gave me a passion to serve in the ministry that God had for me. Of course at the age of 23, I only had a glimpse of the "call" upon my life, but what really mattered was that because of examples like Don in my life, I was willing to count the cost and passionately search out that call and let it shape my destiny.

The greatest comment that could be said about any follower of Jesus would be that, like David, "He or she was pleasing to God." Sometimes we take people like that for granted, because they are always there serving and being a support to others. That is why one quarter, when I realized that Dr. Reiter was not teaching his usual classes, I begin to inquire about him, because it hadn't taken very long for myself and others to sense the void that existed without his constant smile and encouragement.

I didn't have to search very long, because word began to spread very quickly; Dr. Reiter had incurable cancer, and unless the Holy Spirit intervened, our teacher, mentor, and friend would be taken from us.

As time moved on, Dr. Reiter, put up a valiant struggle , but it was not his struggle just to live that would crown his life and testimony, but how he died. Don had stood for Jesus all his life, and he was determined to remain faithful to that call until the very end. As cancer attacked his weakened body, he called in his family and closest friends, and told them, " With joy and faithfulness I have tried to serve Him all of my life. I have taken every blow that life has had to offer, but have continued to stand in the strength of my savior until He takes me home. I will not meet Him lying down in this bed.

It was only a matter of maybe minutes when those gathered around his bed experienced something that would shape their lives forever. With a strong and commanding voice, Dr. Reiter said, "It is time; help me to my feet!" Then, as if on que, he began to describe the angelic scene before him and the heavenly realm awaiting him, just on the other side. As the anointing of the Holy Spirit filled that room and a "joy unspeakable and full of glory" overwhelmed the hearts of those present, Don Reiter "entered" heaven just as he had experienced it on earth; firmly standing before the Lord as he always had stood- never wavering.Dr. Reiter died as he had lived, Standing for Jesus, and much like David of old, it could be said that he fulfilled his call and was "pleasing" to God.

Don Reiter taught me a lot about calling by word and deed. He once said that there is a vast difference between being called and "calling" itself. We all have calling in our lives as believers, ie. we are all called to evangelize, because the Great Commission is for everyone of us, but not everyone of us is called into full time evangelism. We are all called to pray for the sick, but the specific anointing for healing only rests on those called to minister in that way. That is why, just because something might seem exciting, ie. giving your testimony at a Sunday morning church service , doesn't mean that you are to quit your full time job , say, as a doctor and go to Africa to preach the Gospel. God's specific call is revealed through the seasons of time and testing and isn't always recognized in a single moment. It must also involve the commitment to growth and maturity, so that the gift can be realized, "making room for itself."

One more thing that Dr. Reiter taught me: " There is a vast difference between calling and presumption." TRUE CALLING will only be magnified and develop strong roots during tough times and challenges, while "presumption" vanishes in the face of challenge. That is why spiritual high ways are littered with spiritual corpses of those who moved on presumption and not calling, for when the storms of life that are inevitable sweep over our lives, presumptive thinking flees.

How then can I know that I am truly called for ministry in a specific area? You will know because anything that the Holy Spirit is doing, will be challenged by the darkness surrounding it. And if, in the face of obstacles, challenges, failures, and ridicule, you remain standing and continue to blossom in the face of such adversity, your brightness will be as the rising sun and those in darkness will see you standing firm and will be drawn to the brightness of His rising upon you.

Even in Death, Don Reiter's call revealed a man still standing for Jesus, and through his example, those of us who were blessed to call him friend, came to understand the destiny and legacy awaiting us if likewise, we too would stand with Him.

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