Wednesday, January 27, 2010

History Maker II Revival Europe 2010

I will never forget that crisp autumn fall night. I had never been to Paris and now I was about to climb the Eiffel Tower; something that I had only seen in pictures. As we began to climb, each step brought about a clearer view of the size and beauty that is Paris. One thing that I immediately took note of was the fact that the climb was a bit more difficult than all of the movies portrayed and my rubber legs proved it!

As we reached the observation deck, arrayed before me was a canopy of light that extended in every direction. I guess that one would see the same thing at the top of the Empire State building on any moonlit eve. As I stood in amazement at the grandeur and beauty laid out before me, something gripped my very soul, that left me speechless. It wasn't just the Paris skyline, with so many lighted architectural wonders that got my attention, but the seemingly hundreds of green lights dotting the landscape. If they would have been decorative lights or left over Christmas lighting, that would have been one thing, but they weren't; for what seemed like every mile or so was a bright green light sitting atop a tall minaret attached to a Muslim mosque below. I had read that the ethnic and religious demographics of Europe were changing, but I had no idea that it was happening so quickly.

When you add this amazing fact with some sobering statistics, it makes one realize just how vitally important the GREAT COMMISSION that Jesus spoke of really is at this time in history. Let me share what I observed and have studied about the continent of Europe and it's movement away from it's historic Christian roots. No more than 2% of Europeans attend an organized church. It may differ and fluctuate somewhat from country to country, but the basic truth is that most of Europe has been post Christian for a good number of years. I witnessed huge cathedrals almost totally empty for worship services, except for a few senior citizens well into their 70's and 80's. I have seen churches being turned into Mosques and other centers of worship totally alien to Europe just 50 short years ago.

What has happened to the Europe that has given us Calvin and Luther, the Protestant Reformation and the Great Awakening, as well as missionaries world wide and Revival? I believe the answer lies somewhere between the toll that two world wars has taken and a "spirit" of skepticism and disillusionment that has swept the continent. Europe has a giant hole in the midst of her soul, and the Holy Spirit is crying out for those willing to be part of bringing a new "GREAT AWAKENING" to the continent; men and women willing to take the Gospel back to Europe in such an Authentic and Relational way that spirit starved souls will not have to look to witchcraft and other religions forms to find answers to their heart's longings. God is looking for men and women who are willing to rise up in this generation and be TRUE HISTORY MAKERS.

In July 2002, we held a conference on the island of Cyprus, where we brought together Israeli and Arab youth from 8 different nations. History Maker I was a tremendous success in that it built bridges between believing youth who previously did not like one another because of politics. A letter from a young man from Jordan sums up best the success of HMI. "Pastor Chuck, because of History Maker, I no longer hate Jews!"

All of this brings me to the heart of this blog. Many of you, scattered all over this country and around the world, who have been a part of High Mill either by attending or by prayer, have an opportunity to be a part of making history and bringing true and authentic revival to the continent of Europe. You may be thinking that you have enough to do here and Europe is 4,000 miles away;why should I care? Let me dispel that lie from hell right now. First of all, what happens in Europe ends up in America, and secondly, spiritual isolationism is the quickest way to spiritual despotism and death.

June 2010, youth leaders from 15-20 nations are coming together in Vanadzor, Armenia to develop a strategy to come along side of European believers who are praying for REVIVAL that is AUTHENTIC and lasting. Our goal is to develop across Europe living, vibrant, joyful, and exciting houses of worship that will draw, through the power of the Holy Spirit, those who have given up on church and Jesus. We want to present personal models of His love, grace, and peace and let those searching for answers know that," That there truly is life in Jesus' Name."

I believe with all of my soul and heart that, if High Mill was created for nothing else, other than helping to bring HMII about, then it will all have been worth it.

How you can help is this: if you have been one of those who down through the years have offered your services from afar, still feel a part of our vision and dreams, or are catching the vision for HMII, then go to your circle of friends, church, or family and share the vision that we can make a difference. We can prepare the way for this great end time's harvest, even in Europe!

We have young people in need of sponsorship from Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Honduras, Ukraine, and untold other countries.$175.00 covers food, lodging and land travel for the 4 day conference. Of course, THERE ARE MANY YOUNG LEADERS THAT EITHER HAVE PARTIAL OR NO FUNDS FOR AIRFARE which will range from 400.00 to 700.00 per person.

If you want to be part of an Adventure far bigger than any of us; if you want to sow good seed into reaching a whole continent for Jesus, and if you want to be a part of MAKING HISTORY, contact us at 330-8068432 and ask for Margaret or go to Any amount will help fulfill this challenge.

Thank you my spiritual family, friends, and co laborers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May He richly bless you as you Bless Europe!


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