Monday, March 29, 2010

Living Supernaturally Naturally

The Easter Season can mean a lot of things to different people. For students, it can mean a break from the rigors of studying and classes. For others it coincides with the annual pilgrimage to the American version of Mecca, namely Myrtle Beach. For many, it's just another day in the calendar where businesses try to make a quick buck. But for followers of Jesus Christ, who see Him much more than just a "holiday experience," Easter has a totally different meaning. Because of this day, and an empty tomb to back it up, believers have been given the opportunity to live each and every day with the conviction that in their grasp is the power to live" Supernaturally Naturally." Let me explain it by painting this simple picture.

Every waking moment we are presented with the possibility of making a difference in someone's life; the question is are we aware of the opportunities surrounding us, or just as important, are we even looking to be used in making a difference? What it boils down to is a basic understanding of why we exist and the power present to pull it off. It also is a matter of the heart, as to whether my "rebirth" experience in Jesus has led to a repositioning of my priorities away from what I can get to how I can be His hands and feet. From 40 years of experience as a believer, I can assure you that when a person has a true experience with Jesus and not just a fleeting emotional one, the vision to reach the whole world takes on a whole new dimension. I'm not saying that one automatically becomes an evangelist, but what I do know is that "relational evangelism"-extending" Jesus love" to anyone who will listen and then following up words with action, takes center stage.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in Romans 8:11. "The Spirit of God, who raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives in you, and just as God raised Jesus from the dead, He will give life to to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." Wow! God wants to place supernatural power into the lives of those who believe in Him. If that is true, shouldn't supernatural living be a natural bi-product of simply living life? I believe the answer is definitely yes but the application is a bit of a problem for most believers. Let me illustrate.

Six months ago, I came to the realization that my life was ceasing to be as productive as it had once been. I always seemed to have a knack for "Divine Appointment" type experiences. From the streets of Southern California to the back woods of Armenia, God has always had adventures waiting for me in meeting all sorts of people who were seeking to know Him. But something seemed different; Divine Appointments were far and few between and with that said, excitement and joy seemed to be a thing of the past.

I had all sorts of reasoning's; maybe my evangelical fervor was being channeled in other directions, and even worse, maybe that part of my life was just over. It all came to a head one Sunday morning when a young lady from our youth group asked me to meet one of her friends from high school visiting for the first time. When I didn't do it and worse than that had no desire to, I became very fearful of just where I was at. After all, a pastor who doesn't want to be around people is a problem indeed; for me , it was an issue that I had never faced as a believer.

But thankfully, we serve a God of second chances, because the following week the young man returned, and his faithful friend gave me no chance to miss a second opportunity. As she escorted me to the back of the church to meet him, I suddenly began to shake all over. Then ever so clearly, in my spirit, I heard these very simple words; "You asked me if I was done using you...I never left you...I have always been there waiting for you...Now I have set before you someone if you will pour your life into, I will use him to shake the nations..."

The past six months have been as spiritually rich as the past year had been as dry as a desert. Suddenly, I began to flow again in authority and power. As I became obedient to that soft still voice that had my knees knocking, divine encounters have taken place in the craziest of places and many have come to know Jesus again, including that young man.

Practically speaking, we all go through seasons where nothing seems to be happening let alone supernatural encounters. But what I learned, I want to conclude by sharing with you, that you might again flow in the power that is rightfully yours. First of all, never take for granted your giftings and God's desire to teach you new things, no matter how long you've been a believer, because there are times when He wants to get our attention and revive us. Secondly, recognize when your focus turns within, it will effectively cut off any discernment with those around you. I know now that I was struggling with mild depression which was a culmination of any number of things, and that depression blocked my spirit from seeing the needs around me. Thirdly, always be listening to others words that your response and comments might build bridges of communication, trust, and relationship. Pray for openings. I believe that relational evangelism is the key in reaching this generation which is fatherless, in many ways hopeless, and desperate for love.

We should be living lives filled with supernatural excitement that are a natural by-product of the God who lives inside of us. If you are a believer and are bored with life, then you must get reconnected to the source of power and be willing to use it passionately. Only then can you fulfill the reason for which you were made; LIVING SUPERNATURALLY NATURALLY!


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