Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Remembering the Shepherd's Fields one Night near Bethlehem

I will never forget the night. We had been in Jerusalem for just a few days and were at the home of some friends having a traditional Jewish dinner just a few miles from Bethlehem. It was the Christmas season which made being near Bethlehem even more special.

As dinner concluded, I left the small home of our guests and climbed to the top of a small ridge. The night air was very still and the temperature was rather balmy for November in Israel. I will never forget the sky. It seemed like a million stars were shining and the brilliance of that moment seemed to usher me back 2,000 years to another night and another time when those very same stars shone so brightly.

As I gazed across the landscape, I suddenly realized that before me were shepherds grazing their sheep and shining brightly in the distance was the little town of Bethlehem. The feeling was so surreal that I just stood there and allowed my imagination to carry me on an incredible journey back in time. But it is what happened next that touched my heart forever.

As a young child, the meaning of Worship only consisted of a song or two that would get everyone's attention for the church service about to begin. I must admit that it was not the most exciting thing happening, or something that moved my heart. When I came to know Jesus, worship took on added importance, because it was the time when the church body would come together and sing for maybe one half hour in preparation for the sermon. As a new believer, I knew that this worship thing was important, but I often times found myself singing words but not sensing their significance.

As the years have passed so quickly, I have come to appreciate the times of pure worship where I can quiet my heart and soul and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to me. But it was one early evening near Bethlehem that God defined true Worship for me in such a way that it not only overwhelmed my thought process and emotions but instilled within me the passion to serve Him no matter what difficulties might lie ahead.

As my thoughts were directed towards those shepherds 2,000 years ago, I suddenly grasped a simple truth that had been there all the time, but I HADN'T SEEN IT. Simply, worship is not something that I do but becomes something that I am. Worship can be identified with singing, hand clapping, and prayer, but those are only outward manifestations of a heart that has been surrendered to worship as a lifestyle. Worship is not how many church services I attend per week nor is it listening to the latest CD, But Pure Worship is a lifestyle rooted in a heart of service to those who need a Savior's love.

Paul in Romans 12:1-2 tells us that " offering our bodies as a living sacrifice is our spiritual act of worship." But then, he added something very powerful. " Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." It is here that I want to share with you the key to living a life worthy of the Lord Jesus and leaving a legacy behind that others have had their life changed by your heart of worship.

In Matthew 17:2 Jesus is transfigured before His disciples as well as Moses and Elijah. Here is the correlation; the word used for transfigured is the very word used for transformed in Romans 12:2. So what Paul is saying about those choosing to live a lifestyle of worship after Jesus' example, is that by living in such a way, you are anointed and glorified with His supernatural Authority which in turn allows you to function in the dimension of God's Kingdom Rule and Presence.

That night as I gazed over the shepherd's fields near Bethlehem, I was reminded that, like the Wise Men who followed, they were willing to leave behind everything and seek after a Star that shown over a simple stable in a dusty little town. Their worship was surrendered lives, because nothing less was befitting of a King. Can we settle for anything less if we are to be His hands and feet in the time that we have remaining?

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Never In A Thousand Years Would I Have Believed!

I was raised in Canton, Ohio and had no intentions of ever leaving, let alone getting on an airplane and flying half way around the world. I believed in "missions" and even supported some. But my argument (or should I say excuse), was that there was enough work to be done here at home and then, after that work was completed, we could think about going somewhere in the world. Never mind the "Great Commission" that commanded us to go to the world; I was a young pastor that had made up his mind that there would always be an excuse as to why missions weren't for me.

It didn't seem to really matter that my pastor in Anaheim, California had called me out of 4,000 people and prophesied over me that my destiny and legacy would take me to the nations. I had never met him nor did he know anything about me, but so strongly rooted within my emotions was the fear of missionary work that I figured he had definitely called out the wrong guy even though he had mentioned my home town, Canton, by name. That was amazing and unexplainable but not enough to get me on a plane.

So you can imagine what was going through my mind in April, 1993 as I boarded a plane bound for L'viv Ukraine. For me to tell you the events that got me to this point, would occupy a hundred blogs, and most of you wouldn't believe a lot of it anyways. That was 1993, and less than one year later, I was on a 48 hour trek to India. Since those early days, with I'm sure the Holy Spirit laughing at me (God has a sense of humor), I have traveled all over Europe, organized History Maker I in Cyprus, which was a healing conference for youth that included believing Jews and believing Arabs from 8 different nations, gone to Australia twice, have come to have a passion for the people of Armenia, traveled extensively in the Middle East and have fallen in love with the land of Abraham , Isaac, and Jacob nine times over! How could I explain each of these incredible seasons of my life? I have done just that in the second book that I am just now finishing," Legacy: The Power Purpose and Passion of Divine Appointments."But for the purpose of this blog, I want to reveal the "rhema" or spiritual truth revealed to me when I said,"YES." I might just mention that if I had said no, I would have not experienced events that have made me who I am.

Why do I mention that the "missionary" part of my journey has been one of those greatest parts of my walk? Let me tell you. Foundational, when you confront your fears and defeat them, He will turn your weaknesses into strengths! He will take the very thing that you don't want to do and make it your passion, if He is in it. Secondly, when we come "out of the box " so to speak and realize just how blessed we are as American believers, we gain a new appreciation of our place and responsibility to reach out to those less fortunate. Thirdly, I have been humbled many times over by the hospitality of poor believers who have nothing of financial substance but serve us beyond measure when we stay at their homes. I have found out after the fact that believers in Ukraine, for one example, had saved money for months, just to serve us incredible meals. Hospitality in America is a lost art for many believers, but in my travels, I have learned from my brothers and sisters the true meaning of practicing and living in hospitality.

Finally, who I am...my destiny, and my legacy (the life deposit that I will leave behind) have all been formed by the relationships of those whom have become "family," from Ukraine to Armenia and from India to Syria. My life has been enriched by so many customs and cultural experiences too numerous to mention. All because of saying Yes to Jesus and no to my fears, I have come to visualize the world as my horizon and in a very small way helped others to gain spiritual sight while overcoming their fears. What area of your walk do you need to say Yes to today so that your future can be unlocked and your legacy established?

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Twelve Unforgettable Experiences!

As time moves steadily ahead, I find myself looking back and considering the events that have gotten me to where I am at in this season of time in my life. The order of events may not necessarily be in sequence of importance, but each has played a prominent role in shaping me on the "potter's wheel."

Putting aside my marriage and God's gift to us of three incredible children, what I am about to share is what has shaped my passion, destiny, and hopefully legacy. As I consider the season's of time and experience that God has led me through, I am truly grateful to Him and all that He has given me and allowed me to do.

I can remember, as a young boy of 11 years old sitting in our Civic Center for over 3 hours listening to a crowd chant, "We want Kennedy...We want Kennedy..." It was the 1960 presidential campaign and being young and very impressionable, the aura of 10,000 people crammed into a 5,000 seat arena screaming their heads off for three hours, was indescribable.(I often wondered since just where the fire marshals were). How ironic was it recently, while going through some old newspapers, I found the front page of The Canton Repository newspaper depicting the pandemonium in the civic center that night, and there in the middle of that front page, was me and my mom cheering with everybody else. Yes, the Kennedy mystique won me over and the "Age of Camelot" spoke into my young heart that I too wanted to make a difference some day. It would be some 25 years later that another political giant would speak into my life the importance of public service, for I was blessed to go to the White House twice and be part of political action conferences led by Ronald Reagan. While President Kennedy inspired me to reach for greatness beyond my own abilities, President Regan taught me to laugh at myself and take each day as an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. I would have to say that these two "political adventures" combined to give me a new found courage to challenge the status quot and change my world.

It was 1968 and the Viet Nam war was about to engulf our nation and the lives of many young men and women. It was then, that I first began to really hear about Jesus in a way that I had never heard before; like He wanted to be my friend and companion. It was during this time of searching in my life that I was introduced to a Methodist youth group by some "born again" friends. Born again...? Never really had heard much about it, but something had begun to transform my quiet little Methodist church into a radically talking and faith believing group of believers that acted and really believed like this Jesus thing really did work. To my amazement, the love and dedication of my friends, and their faith in Jesus and even me, would begin my faith journey that turned me into zealots like them. A short time later, I met an eye doctor and his wife...the Kings, who actually believed in healing and it's present day application. I must say that the Holy Spirit knew what He was doing because Claire and Miriam King became my "spiritual parents" and took me to a whole different level. Over a 3 year period, a small Bible Study that began in their home eventually had over 3,000 people come through their doors. You might ask, "Where did the 100 plus sit each week?" I can tell you that the front yard with open windows and even the bathroom became "pews" with hungry teens and even parents drawn by the love, joy, and victory that was found in the King's home. Many of you reading this blog know exactly what I am talking about, because you came to know Jesus and found your role in the kingdom coming to those wonderful meetings in the early 1970's!

Well, because I don't want to make this too long and bore you, I'm going to pick it back up next week and write about how 5 nations have radically grown my faith and shaped my destiny and the plan that God has for High Mill.

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Could This Be the Beginning of Something Great?

I wanted to write this from the moment that I got home Saturday night at 1:00 am. It wasn't that I didn't know what to write; I just didn't know what to leave out. Three days have now passed since the Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, and I still am having a hard time understanding and digesting what we experienced there Saturday afternoon.

The "Restoring Honor" rally (see my face book photo album) on the Mall grounds seemed like being in church with 500,000 believers, yet it contained all the elements of a giant political rally that never became political. It could have passed for a giant tent revival or religious pilgrimage containing people of every color, ethnicity, and social background. But for whatever reason that 500,000 people came together, one thing was certain: everyone felt a sense of awe and destiny. Without anyone having to say it, we knew that we were called there to draw a line in the spiritual sand, letting the world know that the sleeping giant, that great silent spiritual majority the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST was ready to assume it's role again in shaping the last chapter of this great countries history.

There have been several "Great Awakenings" that have swept America when her very soul languished in division and pain, with the last one being after the great Civil War. Now some are saying that the "Third Great Awakening' began on 8-28. Whether that is true, only time will tell. But I will add this: On 8-28, something happened on the mall that, despite all the political pundits and bias, has shaken America to its very core. In great times of distress and fear, God has always raised up those who would stand in the gap and be counted on to stem the tide of moral decay and hedonism. Last Saturday, 500,000 showed up to fill that gap, being led by a tv talk show host, who has laid his life on the line for the America that he loves, and not hiding behind his radio microphone.

Glenn Beck challenged the pastors present to take the "fire" back home and light it in their congregations for the world to see. He challenged moms and dads to fall on their knees and pray where their children could see them and thus know that God does matter in the lives of those who want to make a difference. I challenge you: "Could this be the beginning of something great?" Or was 8-28 just another rally on a sunny Saturday afternoon in downtown Washington, DC. ? For those of us who were there, it will never be business as usual again. The sleeping giant has been awakened, and his message will resonate in every sermon, speech, and coffee break conversation til Jesus comes again and until honor and integrity are again' honorable' in this land we love so much.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Communicating The Message

For the next three weeks on Sunday mornings, I have the privilege to communicate my passion concerning what makes High Mill distinct and why someone would ever want to become part of this committed band of followers of Jesus Christ. I want to preface my comments with two thoughts; the first being that there are other solid Bible believing churches in the area, so we don't have a " corner on the truth". And secondly, High Mill Church of the Resurrection in it's "distinctness" might not be for everyone. But one thing that I know for sure is that countless lives have been changed and mature leaders formed as His unconditional love and healing have been modeled by those who have attended here through the years. So, what makes us distinct?

First, I believe that we are Authentic in our approach to vision casting. Vision is cast, not by programs, seminars, rallys, or ad campaigns, but by lives that are living out the message. That is why it so mightily important that we realize that church is not Sunday morning attendance but lives that are mentoring, building relationships, and teaching others what we have been taught! I can illustrate this through numerous illustrations of conversations that I have had this summer involving those who have come through our doors. I have heard the same words over and over again; "I am here because of what I have seen in the lives of people who attend your church." You see, when we are living out the "vision" which must be the heart of what Jesus taught, people will be drawn. We don't need an expensive ad campaign to promote our "brand of Jesus," we simply have to become His hands and feet, and the vision will be understood. The problem is that we all must see the necessity of discipleship and be willing to be stretched. We cannot just have parts of the body or church on board, but we must realize the importance that each of us has an appointment with "destiny" and how we use the gifts that God has given us.

Secondly, I believe that because of our unconditional love and acceptance, those who have experienced the wrong side of life, feel safe here. It is never the church's job to pass judgment but to lift up Jesus as an alternative to what our present day culture offers. Now before you counter with "where does sin fit in and what about dealing with sinful attitudes," let me again say that it is the Holy Spirit's job to bring conviction, not ours; our job is to listen for His voice and know when and what to say, not to have a list of rules and regulations waiting to be passed out at the church door with the Sunday morning bulletin. Let me illustrate. Many years ago, I witnessed a young man walk down the isle in a church to receive Jesus. As he knelt, with his long hair, tatted arms, and glistening ear rings, a faithful deacon or usher, who only modeled what he had seen and been taught, rushed to the front, grabbed him by the hair and yanked him off of his knees. What happened next has pierced my heart for ever and would have caused me to never have come back to any church, if I hadn't been rooted in Jesus. He said to the young man,"You get up, go take a bath,and cut your hair and then you can come back into this church and get saved." "Saved?" "Saved to be like him with an attitude like that?" God save us from such legalism that, unfortunately today, is driving many away before they even have a chance to come and understand Your love. Now, while this example might be extreme, subtle legalism can be just as lethal; attempting to shape and form others by our own set of rules instead of the love that Jesus offers.

Just to conclude these introductory thoughts, we are a church that embraces discipleship as our passion and desire. And through modeling unconditional love and working through relational evangelism, we are out to build mature and effective followers of Jesus Christ and release them as "kingdom builders" and leaders. But such a vision cannot be fulfilled if we are not all on the same page. Let me illustrate from a book written by Craig Groeschel, "How Church Leaders can Get It and Keep It."

The writer talks about three levels of "Church Buy-In." Those churches who are filled with people that are flowing in the same direction have caught the flavor and vision of the church. Others might like the church and, though they attend, they have not grasped the gift of shared purpose and vision that can be theirs. The author goes on to list the Three levels of"Vision-Buy in."

Level one: Those people who believe in the vision enough to benefit from it. "Like the person who benefits from the service at their local restaurant or work out gym. These church members have a consumer mindset. They come to church, because they like it. They recieve something that is important to them.

Level two: Those people who believe in the vision to contribute to it. "Like the person who drops some change in the Salvation Army basket at Christmas, these are people who, as consumers, are ready to contribute as long as it is easy. They are happy to help if it doesn't interfere with their schedules and or other priorities."

Level three: People who believe in the vision enough to give their lives to it. " These are people who understand the vision and get it. They recognize that their lives are not their own. They belong to Jesus. They are part of the greatest cause on earth!"

Groeschel concludes by sharing some very powerful thoughts. " Everyone craves a cause to fight for. We love to be part of something that is making a difference. As leaders, it is our role to seek God, see the vision, communicate it in a compelling way, and invite people to give their lives for the greatest cause on earth-the cause of Christ."

Let me conclude by asking you a question. If you attend High Mill, is our vision clear and is the role that you must play for it to succeed clear?" Granted, we can always do a much better job in communicating what that vision is. But could it be that you have not been seeing around you the hands and feet of Jesus being lived out in our vision? Could it be that you have not realized existing right in front of you is a church living out a dream and vision that it was called to 33 years ago? Could it be that you have allowed circumstances, self, and every day life to rob you from reaching that passion and commitment that others have been living before you? Nothing less than realizing that our lives are not our own, and that we belong to Jesus will do. It is happening before your very eyes. Look around you and see. Vision is being modeled and lived out before you this very moment!

Leia Mais…

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Discerning God's Plan for Times Like These

If my grandpa were alive today, he would be asking the question that so many of us should be asking: "What, in God's Name, is happening to the United States of America?" Now my grandpa wasn't all that religious, though he died a believer, but grandpa had an old fashioned virtue that so many of us seem to be lacking today and that simply being "common sense." Granted, our culture and wealth has allotted, for some of us, the privilege of focusing on self, while showing an indifference to the rest of the world around us. And save for those brave men and women who are sacrificing and dying overseas for our right to that self indulgence, much of America seems to be indifferent to the freedoms that we are losing every day, let alone the fact that the hand of "big brother" is encroaching in every area of our private lives.

I wonder how many of us know or even care that a monument is being built in the state of Virginia in memory of Joseph Stalin, a man responsible for the murder of 20 million people during and after WWII.? Did you know that a Muslim mosque is being built only blocks from the site of the former World Trade Center, and what's worse, it is being reported that the radical terrorist organization Hamas, has contributed 130 million dollars to the project?! Let's go from such despicable acts to something more contemporary and amusing. It is about to be illegal to own a pet in the city of San Francisco, because people can be inhumane to animals. Really, what genius thought that up? Also in the City by the Bay, soda drinks are no longer allowed to be sold on the streets, because the government has decided for you that Coke might take 5 years off of your life. The US government is considering suing Mcdonalds over the fat content in it's burgers. Let them try to take my Big Mac! And by the way, as our government is spending like a bunch of drunken sailors, putting us 13 trillion dollars in debt at this moment and more by the time that you read this, it will now take every bit of your pay check through June 15th to pay your taxes, and still they want more.

Well, I could go on from the absurd to the more ridiculous all day long, but I think that you get my point. We as citizens are like the "frog in the kettle" of water; We are about to be boiled alive, and because the heat is increasing ever so gently, we are being lulled into abstract apathy.

In I. Chronicles 12:32, it is said of the "Sons of Issachar," "That they were men who understood the times with knowledge of what Israel should do." The NLT translation reads that they were men who understood the best course Israel should take. As a result, their knowledge and judgment provided needed wisdom to make needed decisions for the nation. Let me make it as simple as I can. For leaders today, it is vitally important that we have a grasp on what is happening in the society around us in order that we can take the best course of action for the church. Knowledge of current events, trends, and needs helps us to understand people's thoughts and attitudes. This in turn gives those in leadership the ability to make wise decisions that God's message might become relevant in people's lives.

I don't know about you, but my heart's cry is, " God send us "Issachar Warriors" who will stand up while there is still time and confront the lethargy that seems to grip so many of us." As I see it from the vantage point of being a believer for over 40 years and having the privilege of seeing America through the eyes of so many in various parts of the world, this is where the church has ceded it's rightful position on the world's platform. First, in the 1950's, it was very fashionable from US pulpits for the clergy to disdain our country and call politics and politicians the epitome of evil, noting that the church should completely separate itself from such worldliness. Well that sort of genius and "spiritual blindness" placed secularists and non religious zealots in charge of our courts and judiciary and has led to the murder of over 40 million babies, prayer outlawed in schools, and the very mention of anything pertaining to our Judeo-Christian heritage expressly forbidden.

Secondly, as Dr. Billy Graham once put it, "There are those who have developed a sort of "spiritual fatalism" that says there really isn't any way to change anything, so why should I try; it's all part of an "end times" scenario." If the early disciples had felt that all was lost in Jerusalem one fateful Good Friday, you and I would be wearing yamikas today and going to the temple instead of church.

Thirdly, there are those who just bury their heads in the sand and say that what ever is going to happen will happen, putting all of the responsibility on Jesus by saying that it is all up to Him. In the long run, that is ultimately the truth we live by, but HE has given us a brain to use. He has filled us with His Spirit that wisdom might be available to us. He has given us healing, words of knowledge, prophetic utterances, and most of all love to war with. We must preach "Jesus" and prepare the people for the times that we are facing and about to face, but we must also call upon God to fill us as leaders with authority from above and not be afraid to speak out at injustice political or otherwise. We cannot just sit around waiting for the ax to fall but "understand the times" with Godly wisdom and draw a line in the sand that says, "I am willing to stand upon the principles espoused by our founding fathers, "We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Shortly after WWII, in the basement of a bombed out building in Berlin, one where some poor Jewish souls had lived a life in hiding and fear, were scribbled these words, " They came for the politicians, but no one said anything. Then they came for the teachers, but no one lifted a hand. Then they came for the religious, and they were taken away in the night with not even a complaint. And now no one is left, and they have come for me."

Yes, the world of today is quite different than in Grandpa's day, but one truth remains, "The only way for evil to exist and triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

History Maker 2010

It seems that in life the things which we seem to enjoy the most last for but a fleeting moment, and so it was with our just completed odessy in Vanadzor, Armenia. Vanadzor, just a few short years ago the name had no meaning for me, but now after seven trips to Burning Bush Church, I can picture in my mind almost every mountain, valley, farm, and village on the journey from the airport in Yerevan up the mountain to the Glory that is Burning Bush Church.

Vanadzor, is not the ultimate location for a romantic getaway, nor is it the ultimate spot for tourism and fancy free living. But the city, ravaged by its Soviet occupiers several decades ago, nearly destroyed at the same time by a severe earthquake that some believe cost over 100,000 lives, and now shackled by 80% unemployment is the very location that the Holy Spirit chose for History MAKER II to take place. And why God chose this particular location, where 120 youth from 8 different nations assembled, will only be known in the months and years to come.

We came seeking "Fresh Fire" for our nations and for our own lives. We came with a desperation to meet God, experience revival in our hearts, and take it back to our own churches.
The vision for HMII, like most visions, shifted and grew as it developed, but one thing for sure didn't change, and that being our desire to seek the heart of God.

If you were to talk to each of the US delegates, you would probably get 19 different responses as to what the Holy Spirit did. If you were to survey the international delegates from Georgia, Latvia, Sweden, Holland, Jordan, Israel, and of course Armenia, you would get the same response. But let me try to delineate, from a pastor's perspective what I saw and experienced.

There was a re-establishment of hunger to worship God and not just go through the motions; thanks to our Armenian worship team, Dimitri Sparatel, Jeff and our international worship team. There was a renewed reverence for the authority of God's word and a hunger to experience it in a deeper way.One young man on our team was saved, baptised, and now headed for YWAM. Another young man surrendered his heart and bondages were broken, and he was gloriously filled. There was deliverance, healing, miracles in various situations and generational bondages broken. There was a powerful move of holiness and purity that swept one morning session as Margaret Shlabach spoke to the women and Dimitri to the men. All of these things plus too many more to mention added up to one thing: we came asking God to meet us in the least likely of all locations, and as the Holy Spirit always does, in the midst of our weaknesses He showed up in power and strength!

We knew, as a team, on the first leg of our journey, when we were grounded in Washington, DC with NO HOPE of flying to Europe let alone Armenia, because of a missed international flight that something special was happening. As we prayed all night and waited for the next morning to try ticketing again, we had no doubt that we were going to leave for our destination and destiny. When 18 tickets seemed to appear out of nowhere, we stood in awe of His majesty and knew that we were going to truly make history.

Yes, as the testimonies begin to filter in during the days, weeks, months and even years to come, what is not clear now will become vibrant in color and clarity as the mountain is from the plain. We drew a line in the sand in Vanadzor, letting the whole world know that Jesus is Lord over Armenia and that the "BURNING BUSH" which blazed for just a few short days in our midst , as we assembled together, will illuminate the lives and countries of those who were there and participated in shaping History for years to come.

Leia Mais…

Friday, June 4, 2010

Remembering Wanda Wolfe

Thursday's funeral for Wanda was a very hard day for me personally, as well as for many who are part of High Mill. It is hard to say good bye to someone who so faithfully gave her life to serve so many. Wanda was an extraordinary young lady who, for approximately 20 years, was as she put it, "My Armor Bearer." Simply, whenever I was in need of prayer and support, Wanda always seemed to know. With that big smile and outstretched arms, she always seemed to make things better.

Wanda was not without her own pain and struggles, but they never superseded her desire to put someone else first. Somehow, seeing her occupy her favorite seat in church, always seemed to make me more assured that church was going to be great that particular Sunday, because Wanda was there, praying and always playing her tambourine.

As I think back over the years and all the people and experiences that have added to my life, none are more memorable than those which have shaped my destiny and have made me the person that I am today. Wanda was one of those people, and I would not be the person that I am today, if Wanda had not been praying for me.

How can one define "friendship?" For me , I have to go no father than what was modeled to me through Wanda's example of "servant love." The words which come to mind are loyalty, unconditional love, commitment, faithfulness, and encouragement. My office is filled with cards, scriptures, poems, pictures, and other "labors of love," which Wanda blessed me with; often when I needed them the most.

Proverbs 18:24 sums up what a true friend looks like with these words, "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Wanda's love for me and you far superseded what this earthly life could offer, because her love came straight from the throne of God.

Seasons of time will come and go, and soon for most people, Wanda's name will be left for the ages and soon forgotten. But for those of us whose lives were touched, for one brief moment in time by her giving heart and spirit, we will never forget, because we have been forever changed.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is there a "Trojan Horse" at the Church's doorstep?"

The prophet Amos challenged Israel's sinful culture in Amos chapter 6 with these powerful words, "Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never- failing stream." He was notifying the nation that it was time to stop playing religious games and get serious with God!

'Justice' has always been a code name for being and acting "Christian" in the church since its inception. Certain denominational traditions tend to equate "justice" and people who commit just acts as definitive of how one becomes a Christian (ie. "The Social Gospel") , while traditional evangelical churches teach that 'justice" is not the means of salvation but the fruit of what happens in one's life when he or she accepts Jesus as Savior and Lord. Either way," the role of Justice,"is central to the teachings of Jesus and the meaning of salvation.

But today, there seems to be a lot of "redefinition" of terms happening by those who would seek to hi-jack the church for their own political purposes. In some sectors, "justice" has been redefined in 'social terms' trying to equate good church behavior with supporting government projects which have nothing to do with Biblical Justice but wreak with political agendas. Could it be that as in the days of the Trojan War, there is a "Trojan Horse" sitting at the doorsteps of the modern church, and we don't even know it. Let me explain.

The past presidential administration believed in supporting "faith based initiatives, " where government financial support was funneled to religious based institutions which were involved in communities for the social good. Those who follow a "left leaning" political persuasion cried that such policies were an infringement of 'separation of church and state.' Much was accomplished but so much more could have been done without the usual political wrangling; this time over a term that was never even mentioned in the US constitution but has become a sword used by some to attack Christian principles.

So it has become very interesting to view the political landscape today and this present administration's approach to faith based initiative and the separation issue, because we are suddenly seeing a redefinition of terms to fit a new agenda that again has very little to do with a Biblical or moral agenda. The term that I am referring to is "Social Justice." And that is the Trojan Horse that I want to briefly address.

Presently, there is a study being done that would support the combination of efforts between the Government and Churches to meet out 'social justice' to the hurting and needy. In the early part of this countries history, the church handled the welfare programs and did very nicely without Uncle Sam's help. But just recently, the speaker of the house, echoing the words of the administration while speaking at a political conference, declared that it was time for pastor's to get involved and speak to their congregations in support of programs dealing with issues concerning immigration, global warming, and clean air. Wow! What about the separation clause? Where is the A.C.L.U.? Why isn't the press up in arms because the wall between church and state is being breached?

When Jesus spoke of "Social Justice, " He was talking about feeding and taking care of the poor, which was a direct result of the Gospel working in our hearts. Today, the government is thinking about merging the EPA with "Faith Based Initiatives", because the government knows best just what is best for you! This partnership or church 'take-over", whichever you want to call it, will lead to charitable deductions on your tax returns removed and Government bearing down on churches to come in line with their political agenda. The term 'falsehood' refers to putting on the hood of something false and pretending to be what you are not. There is a lot of falsehood going around right now. Not since the days of King George in Colonial Virginia have we witnessed an attempt by government to control the church at large. And though it has not happened yet, the 'Trojan Horse' is at our door.Worse yet, many pastors are buying into the falsehood of this new social justice order.

In Nicaragua, a number of years ago, a political movement known as the Sandinistas combined Marxism with Christianity attempting to forge a union under the banned of 'Social Justice.' Whatever Washington has in mind in suddenly wanting to "cozy up"to the church; even going so far as to help churches with building new sanctuaries if they will "get on board" and go 'green', we have to remain vigilant and faithful to what Jesus meant about "social justice" and not some new government plan that has 'control' written all over it and at the very least leans towards socialism and at the worst Marxist in philosophy. Let Justice roll on like a river but let's be sure that it's the justice the Bible declares and not a Trojan Horse waiting at our gates.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Giving Our Lives Away

Last week, I was standing in front of a giant stage in a park in downtown L'viv ,Ukraine where we were about to have a concert featuring "Master Plan 2.0" from our church when a young man approached me with a smile as wide as the stage behind me. I didn't immediately recognize him, but that smile gripped my heart as my mind raced back through time and the many trips that I had made to L'viv.

Then our team leader and base guitar player in the band walked over, and with a big grin of her own said, "Pastor Chuck, do you remember Victor?" As I looked into his bright brown eyes, I suddenly found myself back in an operating room in a L'viv hospital, and the year was 1994. There, standing in front of me was a scared little boy whose eyes were so turned inward that all that could be seen was the white part of the eye ball. Victor's eyes were so crossed that he was doomed to a life of not only partial blindness but ridicule and humiliation. Now here he was standing in front of me, a handsome young man whose eyes were perfectly straight glistening with God's Spirit and most of all a heart of gratitude.

Suddenly I was overwhelmed with a sense of fulfillment and purpose knowing that standing before me was the fruit of our first medical outreach to L'viv; Victor was six years old when we first met in that operating room and Dr. Bobbi, from our team, operated on his severely deformed eyes. Now, at 21 years of age, his future lay before him as a gift from those who were willing to give their lives away as a testimony to God's love. But even more so than fulfillment, I felt a sense of gratitude for the people that make up this wonderful church here at High Mill that have so faithfully given of their time, money, and talents so that others could receive the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus and have their bodies healed at the same time.

When I meet believers who are seemingly bored with life and are not involved in the lives of others, I am reminded of the words of Jesus that ," You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. " When you are busy giving your life away, you don't have time to live joyless lives or be bored. He gives you a sense of Destiny that suddenly gives your life new meaning. So I ask you, Who are you giving your life to?

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We need a Revolution!

It seems today that most of the media, both right and left, are consumed with mud slinging and word fights that only cause more consternation and anger among the general populace. Literally, just 22% of voters believe that Congress has any chance to solve the myriad of problems that we face. From nuclear proliferation in Iran to the health care debate at home, our government seems clueless as to the wishes of the American people and our future dreams and aspirations.

Yes, we need a revolution to bring things back in line, but apart from a revolution at the ballot box in November, there is a much greater revolution that must take place if America is to be saved; I am talking about a spiritual revolution that begins in the heart and spreads to the conscience and spirit of a people desperate for answers.
As Christians, if we truly believe that Jesus is the answer to the ills of this nation and our culture, then it is time for a 'NEW REVOLUTION' spreading from the pulpits and pews of our churches into mainstream America challenging this nation again to spiritual greatness.But just where do we begin?

Paul told the church in II. Corinthians 4 that," light has shined out of darkness into our hearts filling our earthly vessels with God's treasure." Wow! What a powerful statement! Out of the dark vastness of an eternal universe, Divine light has burst forth into the hearts of mankind depositing the very essence of God within us! Paul goes on to say in Romans 8:9, that because of that deposit, we no longer are simply mortal but now dwell in a new supernatural spiritual realm!

Let me make it very simple; what are you doing with that deposit invested in you? Are you now walking as one filled with His spirit, or is life, "business as usual?" Shortly after Easter, a Revolution took place in Jerusalem that has shaken the world for 2010 years! A small band of believers who had followed the greatest revolutionary of all, Jesus Christ, within 200 years conquered the greatest empire that had existed to that time-namely Rome. And guess what? They did it not with armies armed with sophisticated weapons but with people filled with supernatural power which had been deposited within them at Pentecost. So, you might ask, what does that have to do with me?

When Jesus told his disciples that he had to leave so that the "comforter' the Holy Spirit could come and fill them, He had something even greater in mind. He went on to tell them in John that it was to their benefit that He leave so that they could be filled with radical power to accomplish even greater things than they had accomplished in those 3 short years. Well again, guess what? That word "disciple" has as much to do with you and me as it did with those early disciples. So my question is this: are you sitting on your giftings ? Have you surrendered to some hurt or fear that has put you on the sidelines? Have you decided that it is 'safer' to hide out in the back of the church than sit on the front row getting involved and serving ?

Maybe you need to get acquainted with the Holy Spirit again, or maybe even seek a deeper walk and baptism in Him. Whatever the case, God is looking for "a few good men and women." He is looking for a whole new generation of radical warriors, willing to spread Revolution spiritually to every corner of this planet known to man. He is looking for a new generation of Revolutionaries, who will carry the cross of Christ to the ends of the earth, beginning in our own neighborhoods.

How about you? Paul Revere is riding again, only this time the message is spiritual. The enemy is at our doorstep, but our weapons, fashioned in the spirit, are far greater; we only need warriors willing to pick them up.

Leia Mais…

Monday, March 29, 2010

Living Supernaturally Naturally

The Easter Season can mean a lot of things to different people. For students, it can mean a break from the rigors of studying and classes. For others it coincides with the annual pilgrimage to the American version of Mecca, namely Myrtle Beach. For many, it's just another day in the calendar where businesses try to make a quick buck. But for followers of Jesus Christ, who see Him much more than just a "holiday experience," Easter has a totally different meaning. Because of this day, and an empty tomb to back it up, believers have been given the opportunity to live each and every day with the conviction that in their grasp is the power to live" Supernaturally Naturally." Let me explain it by painting this simple picture.

Every waking moment we are presented with the possibility of making a difference in someone's life; the question is are we aware of the opportunities surrounding us, or just as important, are we even looking to be used in making a difference? What it boils down to is a basic understanding of why we exist and the power present to pull it off. It also is a matter of the heart, as to whether my "rebirth" experience in Jesus has led to a repositioning of my priorities away from what I can get to how I can be His hands and feet. From 40 years of experience as a believer, I can assure you that when a person has a true experience with Jesus and not just a fleeting emotional one, the vision to reach the whole world takes on a whole new dimension. I'm not saying that one automatically becomes an evangelist, but what I do know is that "relational evangelism"-extending" Jesus love" to anyone who will listen and then following up words with action, takes center stage.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in Romans 8:11. "The Spirit of God, who raised Christ Jesus from the dead lives in you, and just as God raised Jesus from the dead, He will give life to to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you." Wow! God wants to place supernatural power into the lives of those who believe in Him. If that is true, shouldn't supernatural living be a natural bi-product of simply living life? I believe the answer is definitely yes but the application is a bit of a problem for most believers. Let me illustrate.

Six months ago, I came to the realization that my life was ceasing to be as productive as it had once been. I always seemed to have a knack for "Divine Appointment" type experiences. From the streets of Southern California to the back woods of Armenia, God has always had adventures waiting for me in meeting all sorts of people who were seeking to know Him. But something seemed different; Divine Appointments were far and few between and with that said, excitement and joy seemed to be a thing of the past.

I had all sorts of reasoning's; maybe my evangelical fervor was being channeled in other directions, and even worse, maybe that part of my life was just over. It all came to a head one Sunday morning when a young lady from our youth group asked me to meet one of her friends from high school visiting for the first time. When I didn't do it and worse than that had no desire to, I became very fearful of just where I was at. After all, a pastor who doesn't want to be around people is a problem indeed; for me , it was an issue that I had never faced as a believer.

But thankfully, we serve a God of second chances, because the following week the young man returned, and his faithful friend gave me no chance to miss a second opportunity. As she escorted me to the back of the church to meet him, I suddenly began to shake all over. Then ever so clearly, in my spirit, I heard these very simple words; "You asked me if I was done using you...I never left you...I have always been there waiting for you...Now I have set before you someone if you will pour your life into, I will use him to shake the nations..."

The past six months have been as spiritually rich as the past year had been as dry as a desert. Suddenly, I began to flow again in authority and power. As I became obedient to that soft still voice that had my knees knocking, divine encounters have taken place in the craziest of places and many have come to know Jesus again, including that young man.

Practically speaking, we all go through seasons where nothing seems to be happening let alone supernatural encounters. But what I learned, I want to conclude by sharing with you, that you might again flow in the power that is rightfully yours. First of all, never take for granted your giftings and God's desire to teach you new things, no matter how long you've been a believer, because there are times when He wants to get our attention and revive us. Secondly, recognize when your focus turns within, it will effectively cut off any discernment with those around you. I know now that I was struggling with mild depression which was a culmination of any number of things, and that depression blocked my spirit from seeing the needs around me. Thirdly, always be listening to others words that your response and comments might build bridges of communication, trust, and relationship. Pray for openings. I believe that relational evangelism is the key in reaching this generation which is fatherless, in many ways hopeless, and desperate for love.

We should be living lives filled with supernatural excitement that are a natural by-product of the God who lives inside of us. If you are a believer and are bored with life, then you must get reconnected to the source of power and be willing to use it passionately. Only then can you fulfill the reason for which you were made; LIVING SUPERNATURALLY NATURALLY!

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Balance is the Key to Everything Spiritual

Recently, while in Armenia, I visited a pastor who lived deep in the forest outside of Vanadzor, where our sister church is located. The beauty was breathtaking, with emerald green mountains rising on either side of his small wooden home to meet the turquoise blue sky high above. The simplicity of he and his family's life being lived out before me brought to my mind what America must have been like 150 years ago.

After we had been blessed with a wonderful dinner of I'm not sure what, the pastor took me into his small office which was the size of most American bathrooms. There, he pulled out his prize possession- a small satellite dish which, he claimed could pick up American Christian programming from all across the USA. My first reaction was one of thankfulness, until he began to tune in various channels. It was then that I began to get a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I quickly recognized a variety of evangelists, teachers, and speakers, whose messages left me with some feelings of anger and dismay. It almost seemed like many of the programs, at the very least, were espousing some different doctrine or beliefs that were counter to Historic Christian Belief, and at the very worst some of the programming was down right heretical.

My first reaction to all of this was what should I say, if anything. I didn't want to attack my fellow American teachers and leaders, but at the same time, I didn't want my dear friend to be "taken in " by the latest spiritual fad sweeping the church landscape. After all, I had, first hand, experienced the destructive and divisive nature of 'unbalanced teaching' when it takes hold in a church body, leading people away from the purity of Christ and into false teaching and manipulation, as well as personality cults. Before I could say anything, my friend responded with the wisdom of a spiritual father and mature leader. As he flipped through the channels, he looked me directly in the eye and responded in a very gentle way. "Pastor Chuck, I watch a lot of speakers on tv, from your country and around the world, but I don't believe everything that I hear."

To the say the least, I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace, knowing the he moved in the gift of discernment and had the wisdom to know the truth and not be swayed by fancy words, emotional appeals, and doctrines not found in God's word.

Sometime ago, while interviewing a pastor on television, I listened with deep interest as he shared his particular view of "health, wealth, and prosperity. " After a period of time, I asked him a simple question. "Pastor, of course you have taught this same teaching in the poor and developing nations of Asia and Africa, right? How did they recive your teaching and did it bring forth fruit?" Well, that was simple enough, but as he stumbled over his response, it only revealed something very wrong in what he was teaching.

We immediately went to a song break after his weak response, and it took him no more than 5 seconds to express his extreme displeasure with my very direct question. "What are you trying to do to me, he shouted?" With no more than 3 minutes before we were to be back live, I had to respond quickly, as well as very simple. " Pastor, I began, if your teaching cannot be applied in those countries as you teach it here, then it is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

The American church is facing a dilemma. It is facing a "down sizing" of the truth, as Historic Doctrine is taking a beating from those who are taking liberty with Scripture and coming up with all sorts of abherrant teaching that emotionally inflames our passions but leaves us bankrupt spiritually. Of course, I believe in Faith.I believe in God's desire to prosper His saints and bring healing to our mind ,soul, and bodies. I believe in prayer and prayer summits and gatherings. But when each of these areas of our spiritual walk or any other area becomes unbalanced in focus and purpose, error, confusion, and salvation by works result.

Let me illustrate. God had a very special love for His people Israel. All that He ever desired was to have an intimate relationship with them. But Israel repeated the same mistake over and over again; a mistake that the church in America is making today. Israel repeatedly left that simplistic first love which they had with God for other idols; other teachings and false gods which aroused their emotions but led them astray. From the "golden calf" to acceptance and compromise with false foreign gods, Israel always seemed to be looking for a new spiritual high that would excite their spiritual appetites.

Let me be very direct. I have lived long enough to see many doctrinally "unbalanced" waves hit the church at large. While their leaders mostly have right motives, the directions which they seek to lead the church are dead wrong. I don't care whether it is any of the aforementioned spiritual dogmas or others not mentioned, when we take a specific aspect of faith and doctrine and raise it out of context and make it central instead of supportative to the Love of God, we are out of balance.

Jesus gave us 2 commands, which were to love the Lord God with all our hearts and to love our neighbor as ourself. That is pretty simple, and I might add direct. Lifting any other movement, thought, doctrine, faith venture, or new spiritual fad above love, is out of balance.

Why do we Christians make believing in Jesus so difficult? We are losing this generation which is seeking truth that is relevant but instead often sees the church as irrevelant. Why do we confuse new believers with a litany of rules, regulations, and strange twists on doctrine which are not Biblical and certainly not conducive to growth? I have to confess that sometimes I see people coming to Jesus despite the believers surrounding them who should be there to encourage them in love but seemingly are all too ready to espouse some spiritual fad that is here today and gone tomorrow. For reference, consider all of the "revivals" that have broken out across America and Canada this past decade which in a few short months burned out like a Fourth of July rocket. True Revival has lasting power and brings about true growth.

When we stop preaching Jesus and His love, when we cease to relationally build bridges to the lost, and finally when our focus becomes centered upon one aspect of faith, no matter how valid, we cease to be the hands and feet of Jesus and sink into the swamp of spiritual imbalance and misdirected focus, pleading the newest spiritual abberation and not being the light of the world Jesus called us to be.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Becoming a son of Issachar

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem...May they prosper who love you...May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces..." Those words of David have been lifted in prayer countless times but never has this prayer become more relevant and important than it has become this morning.

I say this in response to what has happened the last 24 hours in the Islamic Republic of Iran. While hard core government supporters are celebrating the 31st anniversary of the overthrow of the shah and the establishment of an Islamic Dictatorship, the heart of Iran, those who truly desire freedom and are tired of despotism, are battling them in the streets of Tehran with loss of life and many arrested.

But the demonstrations are only a small part of what happened in Iran today. Iran's dictator, said a few days ago that his country had a great surprise for the west that would be delivered February 10th. That surprise was delivered in a simple statement: Iran is now officially a nuclear nation. While that may not mean much to you, it is simply a warning to Israel that before long, we will fulfill our promise, and you will cease to exist. Iran has reached a uranium enrichment level of 20%, and while it will take a level of 90% to produce a nuclear bomb, the message is simple: we have defied the world, and we have won.

While the Bush administration, as well as the present administration, have stood by and done nothing to halt this global threat,Israel is left with few alternatives. Either they respond militarily and risk world War III or be destroyed.

Yesterday morning, the world changed forever and most of us reading our morning newspapers or venturing out to Starbucks, don't have any idea how close Armageddon could be.

I. Chronicles 12:32 tells us the kind of people that we must become. It says,"And of the sons of Issachar, they were men who understood the times and the knowledge of what Israel should do..." They were men and women who didn't bury their heads in the sand but sought to know the voice of the Lord in troubled times so that they could respond in a Biblical way.

In the 1950's, the church, for the most part, abdicated it's rightful position in bringing influence to our culture by teaching that politics were dirty and the church should not be involved. Well, those brilliant teachings have given us abortion and the murder of 44 million innocents, along with the removal of prayer and most every symbol of faith from our schools and government edifices.

God ,where are the "sons of Issachar" who will rise up with God's wisdom, His mantle of Authority, speaking truth and clear direction? It is not too late, and even though Bible Prophesy is being fulfilled before our eyes every day, we must re -focus away from our own situations, no longer buried in the sands of self interest, and realize that Jesus is coming and we have a job to do.We need to be like the "Sons of Issachar," confronting our hedonistic culture with the wisdom and truth of Jesus' words. We can make a difference if we stand as the Church of Jesus Christ and invade our culture with the Gospel Message, first by living it.

Pray for the church in Iran and those courageous freedom fighters, who, if successful in overthrowing their ruthless government, could in fact hold off a nuclear confrontation that is sure to come if Iran's present government has it's way.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

History Maker II Revival Europe 2010

I will never forget that crisp autumn fall night. I had never been to Paris and now I was about to climb the Eiffel Tower; something that I had only seen in pictures. As we began to climb, each step brought about a clearer view of the size and beauty that is Paris. One thing that I immediately took note of was the fact that the climb was a bit more difficult than all of the movies portrayed and my rubber legs proved it!

As we reached the observation deck, arrayed before me was a canopy of light that extended in every direction. I guess that one would see the same thing at the top of the Empire State building on any moonlit eve. As I stood in amazement at the grandeur and beauty laid out before me, something gripped my very soul, that left me speechless. It wasn't just the Paris skyline, with so many lighted architectural wonders that got my attention, but the seemingly hundreds of green lights dotting the landscape. If they would have been decorative lights or left over Christmas lighting, that would have been one thing, but they weren't; for what seemed like every mile or so was a bright green light sitting atop a tall minaret attached to a Muslim mosque below. I had read that the ethnic and religious demographics of Europe were changing, but I had no idea that it was happening so quickly.

When you add this amazing fact with some sobering statistics, it makes one realize just how vitally important the GREAT COMMISSION that Jesus spoke of really is at this time in history. Let me share what I observed and have studied about the continent of Europe and it's movement away from it's historic Christian roots. No more than 2% of Europeans attend an organized church. It may differ and fluctuate somewhat from country to country, but the basic truth is that most of Europe has been post Christian for a good number of years. I witnessed huge cathedrals almost totally empty for worship services, except for a few senior citizens well into their 70's and 80's. I have seen churches being turned into Mosques and other centers of worship totally alien to Europe just 50 short years ago.

What has happened to the Europe that has given us Calvin and Luther, the Protestant Reformation and the Great Awakening, as well as missionaries world wide and Revival? I believe the answer lies somewhere between the toll that two world wars has taken and a "spirit" of skepticism and disillusionment that has swept the continent. Europe has a giant hole in the midst of her soul, and the Holy Spirit is crying out for those willing to be part of bringing a new "GREAT AWAKENING" to the continent; men and women willing to take the Gospel back to Europe in such an Authentic and Relational way that spirit starved souls will not have to look to witchcraft and other religions forms to find answers to their heart's longings. God is looking for men and women who are willing to rise up in this generation and be TRUE HISTORY MAKERS.

In July 2002, we held a conference on the island of Cyprus, where we brought together Israeli and Arab youth from 8 different nations. History Maker I was a tremendous success in that it built bridges between believing youth who previously did not like one another because of politics. A letter from a young man from Jordan sums up best the success of HMI. "Pastor Chuck, because of History Maker, I no longer hate Jews!"

All of this brings me to the heart of this blog. Many of you, scattered all over this country and around the world, who have been a part of High Mill either by attending or by prayer, have an opportunity to be a part of making history and bringing true and authentic revival to the continent of Europe. You may be thinking that you have enough to do here and Europe is 4,000 miles away;why should I care? Let me dispel that lie from hell right now. First of all, what happens in Europe ends up in America, and secondly, spiritual isolationism is the quickest way to spiritual despotism and death.

June 2010, youth leaders from 15-20 nations are coming together in Vanadzor, Armenia to develop a strategy to come along side of European believers who are praying for REVIVAL that is AUTHENTIC and lasting. Our goal is to develop across Europe living, vibrant, joyful, and exciting houses of worship that will draw, through the power of the Holy Spirit, those who have given up on church and Jesus. We want to present personal models of His love, grace, and peace and let those searching for answers know that," That there truly is life in Jesus' Name."

I believe with all of my soul and heart that, if High Mill was created for nothing else, other than helping to bring HMII about, then it will all have been worth it.

How you can help is this: if you have been one of those who down through the years have offered your services from afar, still feel a part of our vision and dreams, or are catching the vision for HMII, then go to your circle of friends, church, or family and share the vision that we can make a difference. We can prepare the way for this great end time's harvest, even in Europe!

We have young people in need of sponsorship from Europe, Scandinavia, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Honduras, Ukraine, and untold other countries.$175.00 covers food, lodging and land travel for the 4 day conference. Of course, THERE ARE MANY YOUNG LEADERS THAT EITHER HAVE PARTIAL OR NO FUNDS FOR AIRFARE which will range from 400.00 to 700.00 per person.

If you want to be part of an Adventure far bigger than any of us; if you want to sow good seed into reaching a whole continent for Jesus, and if you want to be a part of MAKING HISTORY, contact us at 330-8068432 and ask for Margaret or go to www.highmill.net. Any amount will help fulfill this challenge.

Thank you my spiritual family, friends, and co laborers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May He richly bless you as you Bless Europe!

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finding Peace in Difficult Circumstances

Friday was a very difficult day for me, because I did the funeral of a close friend and member of our church. It wasn't only the death but the way in which it happened. My friend committed suicide. Since then my mind has raced in so many directions.Why didn't I realize the mental state in which he was in? If we would have just connected that last Sunday in church when he walked in, maybe the tragedy could have been averted. The circumstances which led up to his death are rather complex and not my focus here. I only mention this, because it reminded me of a recent question that a young friend asked me concerning life in general. He simply asked," How can I find peace in my circumstances when living life is so difficult?

Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:11, lays the groundwork for God's answer to conflict. The writer begins by saying that," God has planted eternity in the human heart, yet God's ultimate plan for us cannot be readily seen." In other words, God has planted a seed of destiny within us that cannot be satisfied by any other human source, because we have been created in God's image. We have a spiritual thirst and eternal value and nothing but the eternal God can satisfy us.

God has built within us a restless yearning for the kind of perfect world that can only be found in His perfect rule. When Colossians 3;15 tells us to, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,"the writer is addressing that very thought. Like an umpire who brings order out of chaos in a sporting event, the rule of Christ's authority brings peace to our hearts.

Since 3600 B.C. , according to a recent study, 14,351 wars have been fought accounting for the killing of 3.64 billion people at the cost of a gold filled belt stretching around the world 97.2 miles wide and 33 feet thick! How then can I find peace in the midst of such chaos personally, let alone politically?

The answer is very simple."True peace is not just the absence of conflict but dwelling in a place where conflict no longer has any rule." I'm talking about dwelling in another kingdom, a secret place where only those who know Him are privileged to enter. In John 14:27, Jesus said to His fearful disciples, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, do I give to you...Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."

The word for "peace" used here is far more than just a simple greeting as where the word is found in other New Testament passages. Here, "peace" carries a much heavier meaning. It is talking about a supernatural peace that only Christ can offer; a peace that is continuous and can be found nowhere else. It is a supernatural dwelling place reserved for those who love Him and seek His face.

This same Greek word is used for peace in John 16:33 where Jesus told His disciples," These things I have spoken to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation but take courage, for I have overcome the world."

Allow that "seed of destiny", planted in your heart at birth to germinate and grow into a pure faith in Him and on Eagle's Wings, He will carry you to a place of safety where His kingdom Rule has abolished conflict.

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