Thursday, December 15, 2011



Leia Mais…

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Power of One Encouraging Word

Will Rogers, a very popular comedian, commentator, and actor in the 1920's and 30's, said something that stayed with me from the time that I heard it as a freshman in high school. He said "You know, I never met a man I didn't like." I often heard my grandparents quoting Rogers and sharing how he seemed to have the gift of making people feel better, noting that his simplistic use of words could bring laughter and peace of mind out of the most dire of circumstances. As I read the writings of Will Rogers, one concept surfaced very quickly; Rogers, with all of his quaint showmanship and wit, changed the lives of his readers and listeners through a powerful Biblical Concept- the gift of Encouragement.

Let me illustrate. Recently, a mother brought her son in to see me.He was moderately depressed and stayed in bed much of the time. She was at her wit's end and was crying out for someone...anyone to reach into the inner recesses of her son's emotions. The storyline was common; no father in the home, jail time, numerous counselors, and zero motivation. With nowhere to turn, and her son possibly facing more jail time, she pleaded with him to talk to somebody "religious..." Religious? Well she had the wrong guy with me, but what I could do was offer him "Jesus" in a relational way that would break the chains binding his heart, soul, and spirit.

Our first meeting was a "cat and mouse" game with him trying to figure me out and myself trying to see what good traits in him that I could build on. You see, I too live by a motto; "No matter who I meet, I seek to find something good that I might encourage the individual with when the time is right ." Several weeks later, his mom called me back and said that her son was ready to talk. This time, our meeting wasn't so formal but was filled with honesty and confession. As I listened, the Holy Spirit began to let me see his giftings, and as I began to encourage him, tears filled his eyes. I was one of only a few adults that had ever encouraged him about anything. Not so long later, his mom called me, and I could tell by her joy, that great things were happening. It seemed that her son was now getting up in the mornings, seeking a job, and very eager to come to church and get super involved. "What in the world happened last week, " she asked? ( I'm sure that she was considering all the counseling fees that had produced zero results.) My response was simple;"I listened and encouraged him." Though there would be tough times ahead, helping him to believe in himself, opened the door for the reconstruction of his personality and way of thinking.

I wish that every relational encounter could be that simple, because many are not. But one thing I know, "Encouragement" is a direct out flow of love, and if we are not encouraging to those around us, we are not using love's greatest tool. Think about Jesus. Everywhere He went, He was encouraging others to greatness, freedom, deliverance, and victorious living. From fishermen, to a tax gatherer, from a prostitute, to a tax cheat, and from a betrayer to numerous doubters, Jesus always found something good to say. Reconciling people to God, most times begins by reconciling them to themselves; helping the individual to see that there are good things with which they have to offer.

Someone once told me that they were very selective in whom they encouraged, as if there was a premium on love and it shouldn't be wasted. My only response to that kind of thinking is that, while you can't just make up nice things to say, you certainly must have a heart for the lost and hurting the way that Jesus did, because "Jesus never met a person that He didn't try to share His Father's Love with." And it usually begins with encouragement based on the foundation of relational love. Take Paul's words to heart in Ephesiand 4:29. " Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an Encouragement to those who hear them." I might add, that encouragement should be practiced in everyday relationships with everyone that you come in contact with. The key is do you care enough to be a blessing to those around you? All it takes is a willingness to see the good in others and recognize it verbally.

This Thanksgiving and Christmas Season, seek out those around you who might need to be encouraged or those who might just need to be uplifted, or you can just be nice...:).... Then, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to say. After all, if you know Him, then you are filled with His Power which can reveal to you the innermost needs where encouragement can bring healing.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knowing His Calling for Your Life

Don Reiter was one of the most amazing men that I had ever met or known. He was not only one of my favorite professors in seminary, but a mentor who, before his students, lived what he taught.
Dr. Reiter's testimony, example of love, and witness before others naturally gave me a passion to serve in the ministry that God had for me. Of course at the age of 23, I only had a glimpse of the "call" upon my life, but what really mattered was that because of examples like Don in my life, I was willing to count the cost and passionately search out that call and let it shape my destiny.

The greatest comment that could be said about any follower of Jesus would be that, like David, "He or she was pleasing to God." Sometimes we take people like that for granted, because they are always there serving and being a support to others. That is why one quarter, when I realized that Dr. Reiter was not teaching his usual classes, I begin to inquire about him, because it hadn't taken very long for myself and others to sense the void that existed without his constant smile and encouragement.

I didn't have to search very long, because word began to spread very quickly; Dr. Reiter had incurable cancer, and unless the Holy Spirit intervened, our teacher, mentor, and friend would be taken from us.

As time moved on, Dr. Reiter, put up a valiant struggle , but it was not his struggle just to live that would crown his life and testimony, but how he died. Don had stood for Jesus all his life, and he was determined to remain faithful to that call until the very end. As cancer attacked his weakened body, he called in his family and closest friends, and told them, " With joy and faithfulness I have tried to serve Him all of my life. I have taken every blow that life has had to offer, but have continued to stand in the strength of my savior until He takes me home. I will not meet Him lying down in this bed.

It was only a matter of maybe minutes when those gathered around his bed experienced something that would shape their lives forever. With a strong and commanding voice, Dr. Reiter said, "It is time; help me to my feet!" Then, as if on que, he began to describe the angelic scene before him and the heavenly realm awaiting him, just on the other side. As the anointing of the Holy Spirit filled that room and a "joy unspeakable and full of glory" overwhelmed the hearts of those present, Don Reiter "entered" heaven just as he had experienced it on earth; firmly standing before the Lord as he always had stood- never wavering.Dr. Reiter died as he had lived, Standing for Jesus, and much like David of old, it could be said that he fulfilled his call and was "pleasing" to God.

Don Reiter taught me a lot about calling by word and deed. He once said that there is a vast difference between being called and "calling" itself. We all have calling in our lives as believers, ie. we are all called to evangelize, because the Great Commission is for everyone of us, but not everyone of us is called into full time evangelism. We are all called to pray for the sick, but the specific anointing for healing only rests on those called to minister in that way. That is why, just because something might seem exciting, ie. giving your testimony at a Sunday morning church service , doesn't mean that you are to quit your full time job , say, as a doctor and go to Africa to preach the Gospel. God's specific call is revealed through the seasons of time and testing and isn't always recognized in a single moment. It must also involve the commitment to growth and maturity, so that the gift can be realized, "making room for itself."

One more thing that Dr. Reiter taught me: " There is a vast difference between calling and presumption." TRUE CALLING will only be magnified and develop strong roots during tough times and challenges, while "presumption" vanishes in the face of challenge. That is why spiritual high ways are littered with spiritual corpses of those who moved on presumption and not calling, for when the storms of life that are inevitable sweep over our lives, presumptive thinking flees.

How then can I know that I am truly called for ministry in a specific area? You will know because anything that the Holy Spirit is doing, will be challenged by the darkness surrounding it. And if, in the face of obstacles, challenges, failures, and ridicule, you remain standing and continue to blossom in the face of such adversity, your brightness will be as the rising sun and those in darkness will see you standing firm and will be drawn to the brightness of His rising upon you.

Even in Death, Don Reiter's call revealed a man still standing for Jesus, and through his example, those of us who were blessed to call him friend, came to understand the destiny and legacy awaiting us if likewise, we too would stand with Him.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Culture of Honor

We had just arrived at the retreat center in Vanadzor, Armenia just a few weeks ago. We were there to do a youth conference for college age students, or so I thought. But as we were getting out of the van, we were engulfed by youth between the ages of nine and sixteen. It was then that I realized that I would be doing a major focus shift concerning speaking; after all junior high kids are young, immature and often inattentive, right? Not these kids, most of whom came from very poor families, yet were so thankful just to be on a retreat which none had experienced before. What I witnessed for the next 4 days was an eye opening experience of what can be when young people are taught the meaning of "honor."

There is a passion burning in my soul, and that passion was fueled by these young people who modeled such honor and respect, that it almost seemed surreal. I know what you are thinking; every time pc goes over seas, he gets all "messed up." Messed up is a contemporary phrase used by today's youth for something "good" happening. (Just in case you didn't know.) Anyways, yeah...I got messed up! It was not that my eyes were opened to new revelation, but I was reminded of an old Biblical standard that is not modeled much anymore or even taught; that being Christian virtue, with "honoring others" above yourself being central to our Christ walk and building disciples .

Virtue is defined as moral excellence, righteousness, and responsibility. In a Christian context, it is the many facets of "goodness" lived and practiced before others, flowing from a heart filled with "Christ-likeness." Solomon, in the book of Proverbs, says that virtue provides visual proof of our faith and is the noblest of all good qualities a person can have. When virtue is sought after, Honor is a natural bi-product. Paul tells us in Romans 12:10, "That we must love each other with genuine (from the heart) affection and take delight in HONORING one another." Wow, what a heavy statement! If we live the kind of lives that always seeks to put others first, joy will be our reward! James tells us in chapter 4 verse 10, "Humble yourself before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor."Likewise, 1st Peter tells us in chapter 2:12, "Live honorable lives among your unbelieving neighbors. Then, even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior and give honor to God." "Honor" then is a verb-something that we do, and an adjective-describing how we live.

Now back to the retreat and what the Holy Spirit passionately revealed to me. As we were getting out of the van, a nine year old no bigger than my bag fought with me as to just who was going to carry it up two flights of stairs to my room. Another little 'urchin' (Don't know what an urchin is? Ask me sometime.) grabbed my back pack, and so it went; with every opportunity to serve us, these young people had a passion to honor us with their servant's heart.

I could just go on with all sorts of examples, such as when we would walk into the dining area to their applause that was not orchestrated, to every talk given, done with complete silence and respect, and then followed with applause at the end, and these were junior high kids! I only thought, "how do you manufacture kids like this?" Keep in mind that they were kids and exhibited all sorts of immaturity that junior high kids exhibit. But when it came to respect for authority, honoring their adult leaders, and blessing us as guests, they were focused, passionate, and intentional; these were traits lived and modeled at home. One other interesting happening just after the retreat took place. I was speaking to church leaders and pastors, and at break time, went to the rest room, to wash my hands from the piece of cake that had melted in my hands. Because water is only turned on every other day, and that day not being one of them, I had to take a small ladel and dip into a large barrel to get some water. Before my ladel even touched the water, a young man walking by the wash room, rushed in, grabbed the ladel and dipped it in and then proceeded to wash my hands. I was just stunned. As quickly as he had come, he was gone, and all I could think about for the rest of the night was the honor Jesus showed His disciples by washing their feet and the honor this young man showed me as their guest speaker and brother in the Lord.

Through my 'Armenian retreat experience,' what He placed in my heart was a new passion to teach and model timeless truths that have been overshadowed in our culture by arrogrance and pride, and even in the church where somehow, it has become more glamorous to focus on things that Jesus said," would take care of themselves "-rather than on teaching people how to model Christ to a sin sick world; letting them see a generation of young warriors rising up whose passion is to make disciples by living virtuous lives and modeling those timeless truths beginning with honor.

I close with James 3:13, " If you are wise and understand God's ways (or claim to), proove it by living an honorable life." I might add, living a life that gives honor where honor is due!

Leia Mais…

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Tribute to Esma

She would probably be angry with me, if she knew that I was writing this. On Thursday she turned 90 years old and on Friday, age no longer mattered. Most of you reading this never met Esma nor probably ever heard her name, yet for me, she was one of those pillars in my life that helped define who I am today.

Most would say that she was fiesty, at the least, and at her very worst, sharp tongued and blunt, but that was Esma; there was no pretense to being anything other than who she was. For me, Esma was one of the purest examples of Biblical friendship and loyalty that I have ever known. I remember, years ago, when some people had left our church. Esma made no secret of her displeasure and did so by finding a church phone directory and calling each of those who had left chewing them out, but that was Esma.

Proverbs 20:6 says," Many a man proclaims his own loyalty (goodness), but who can find a trustworthy man (woman) ?" The NKJ translates "trustworthy"as faithful, and that is what Esma modeled in my life for over 30 years.

Esma loved me unconditionally through all of my mistakes and imperfections, because she believed in the Jesus in me and my love for Him. It wasn't a blind sort of love but a commitment to walking with me for "the long haul," no matter the cost; a trait sorely lacking in the Body of Christ today.

Esma always got mad when I would bring her flowers, fruit, or anything else. She would always say that there were other people in worse shape than she, and that my efforts would be much better directed towards them. Once she settled down, she would always take my face in her shriveled hands and lovingly tell me that I was like her son. I will never forget her touch.

In contrast today, Loyalty is often defined conditionally by those who "use" friendship for personal gain. Others see loyalty as an opportunity for personal advancement on the backs of others. Still others proclaim their loyalty until a better offer comes along. When loyalty is challenged through differing points of view, the shallowness of commitment that was never there to begin with is revealed.

How do yo say good bye to someone who accepted and loved you unconditionally? How can you replace a friend that defended you even when you were wrong, loving you with a kind of love that always seemed to make things easier to deal with?

Esma, in her own way, taught me a lot about the loyalty of Godly love; and just knowing that she was there, gave me strength to carry on. I will forever remember where Esma always sat in church when she could still come. I remember that smile when we would make eye contact and that twinkle in her eye that always let me know how proud she was of me.

I will never forget Esma and her contribution to my life, because she lived Jesus before me. And as the seasons come and go, I will always remember her excitement at Thanksgiving to cook for her many family members; in the spring, the pleasure she had to tend to her many flowers and yard. But most of all, my many thoughts of Esma will serve as stepping stones into the future that I too may be worthy of the title "loyal friend."

I close with the words of Kahlil Gibran from his book "The Prophet." "When you part from your friend, you grieve not, for that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain."

Leia Mais…

Friday, June 10, 2011

History Does Repeat Itself

I recently heard a news person say, in quoting a survey, that less than 25% of graduating seniors this June 2011 cannot name the first American president. While some will consider this an indictment of the American public school system, as well as political lethargy brought about by a generation that has been raised on video games, I submit that the issue runs much deeper effecting the very core of our moral being and spiritual understanding.

As I have been reading "Bonhoeffer," by Eric Metaxas, I have been amazed and reminded as well, how the political and spiritual landscape in pre-Nazi Germany resembles our world and specifically, the United States today. As then, anti semitism is growing at an alarming rate world wide, but putting aside the "Jewish question," the sensing that we have lost our moral bearings and are in the process of trashing many spiritual foundations, are all pointing towards a social, economic, and political collapse that could be catasthropic.

One of the qualities that American Statesmen in times past possesed was the ability to make quality decisions in the present which had far-reaching consequences into the future. In times past, politicans were motivated by love of country and loyalty more than power and prestiege. Sure, there were scoundrels then as well as today, but it didn't seem that every 3-4 weeks some elected official fell from office do to poor judgment and behavior. This generation has been observing and in many ways has been turned off all the while our political system and Democracy are mocked at home and by world governments.

It wasn't always this way. George Washington, who by the way was our first President, (if you were wondering...just kidding), laid his life on the line and threw himself in with a "rag tag" rebel army, because he had a vision for the future; Washington saw the future and was willing to risk everything for it. Lincoln knew that the Emancipation Proclamation would lead to deep divisions, but Abe wasn't running in a popularity contest but directing this nation to live up to it's claims that all men were created equal.

God is speaking to the church in America to wake up and redirect this nation out of the swamps of indifference and false security, into the great calling and mandate that, from Bunker Hill to Gettysburg, from Normandy to South East Asia, and from Baghdad to the mountains of Afghanisthan, has been granted us by God.

We must pray, like never before, for the Holy Spirit to raise up Godly men to govern this nation-men motivated by integrity and not the latest CNN poll; men who are not trying to influence those polls but impact history. These will be men and women who care more than just meeting the status quo but have a Godly Plan recieved through Divine vision.

Someone once said that, " a true politician cares only about the next election, while a true statesman, cares about the next generation." Let it never be said about our generation that we looked for the "easy way out" but that we were willing to make sacrifices that future generations might enjoy the freedom that we have and not someday pay for our short sightedness, because we didn't want to be bothered. Too many have made the supreme sacrifice already for us to not honor their sacrifice.

As we have just celebrated Memorial Day and are approaching July 4th, we must be reminded that "Freedom isn't free." It is not that our schools are that bad or this generation has it's priorities all wrong, but rather our nation is starved by a shortage of Godly men and women at the political and spiritual helm who can inspire us again to Greatness and Vision. "Bonhoeffer" has brought into a clarity and perspective what happens when tyrants and maniacs are given center stage because the church decided to stay home and do nothing.

In the time remaining before Jesus' soon return, we must become again that "city set upon a hill, doing all that we can to bring revival to America and be a continued beacon of hope to the suffering world wide.

Leia Mais…

Friday, May 13, 2011

What Truly Matters Most

Today, I had a "wake-up" call...It's not that I hadn't felt it before; it's just that today, It became so intensely surreal. Today, God is overwhelming my heart with something that is breaking His Heart. What I am sensing and feeling, you have hopefully been also. What God the Holy Spirit is speaking to me, I pray that He also is to you. I wish that I could chrystalize it into just a few simple thoughts and not offend anyone, because that is not my intent. Yet, when the Holy Spirit desires to refocus our thoughts ,actions, and agendas, it doesn't always feel necessarily joyful.

In John's Revelation, God warned the church at Ephesus, that while they had remained true and faithful to doctrinal principles, something had tragically happened in their relationship with Him and other believers. While I choose not to digress into a "doctrinal study," at this juncture, I do want to state what apparently was breaking God's heart in relation to the Ephesus church in chapter 2- namely they had lost their "first love." In other words, because love is the core value in our relationship with God and our fellow brothers and sisters, apparently, this church saw itself as being so gifted that they had risen above the "Law of Love" which must govern every action of a believer's thoughts, words, deeds, responses, attitudes, and actions. In short, they had lost focus and were allowing SATAN'S SCHEMING to redirect their thoughts, attitudes, actions, and responses towards what 2nd Timothy 2 calls" foolish and ignorant speculations which produce quarreling and word fights." In other words, their focus had been shifted from what really mattered (The Great Commission for example) towards divisive issues that in the scheme of eternity had and have no significance.

So where am I headed...What has so stirred my heart? Only this...A very short letter from my (our) family in Syria and our sister church, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Church, recieved yesterday.
While so many of us have been involved in "social networking" debating authors and 'heretical books', our brothers and sisters across the Middle East are being murdered. If the Assad government falls, there will be NO JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH CHURCH left, in Damascus, Syria. The believers even now in Egypt are being murdered and Syria is next.

Brothers and sisters, we are at WAR...Not just physically but spiritually, and that is the most serious...How can we be so wrapped up in our personal lives and foolish arguments not recognizing that "Rome is burning" while we are focused on idle babble!

The time is NOW to focus back on the things of God and HIS AGENDA, NOT OURS. Our energies, time, and efforts must be focused on what touches His Heart-namely those faithful ones who are carrying the Gospel Message in lands that most of us would be too afraid to visit.

They need our FAITHFUL prayers...They need to know that they are not alone...They need to know that they have a church in Ohio that has them covered by a praying people that are focused on God and not self. They have been watching from afar what seemingly has occupied some of our "spiritual thinking" and responses towards one another, and they are bewildered to say the least.

I have not written this to offend anyone, and the vast majority of you who will probably read this, are already praying and have Godly focus...( We have an incredibly AWESOME and praying church) No, I have written it for one reason; because one saint of God in Damascus asked me to and, in turn, opened my eyes to the fact that Satan's plan, as it has always been, is to stop the believers from praying and thus weaken our "war efforts" by getting us to war with one another.

God help us that we never lose our FIRST LOVE!

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Awakenings and Earthquakes!

"Get out of bed, Jerusalem! Wake up. Put your face in the Sunlight. God's bright Glory has risen for you. The whole earth is wrapped in darkness, all the people have sunk into deep darkness, But God has risen upon you, His sunrise glory breaks over you. Nations will come to your light, kings to your sunburst brightness. Look up! Look around! (Can you not see?)"

Such powerful words spoken by the prophet Isaiah in chapter 60 to the nation Israel awash in sin and shame, yet words very applicable to our generation today! It's time for an AWAKENING!!

We have just begun a series titled "Awakening," and our focus is very simple and direct: "Passionate Christianity should be the norm for every believer-not the exception." Furthermore, " awakening to the presence of God is not a one time event but a recurring experience every day of our lives!" "Passionate spiritual zeal is one of the most important signs of a fervent personal relationship with Jesus." I asked the question that how can we settle for anything less from the one who created us-the Maker of the whole universe?

Let me conclude this thought by asking you if you know , deep inside, there has to be more than you are experiencing with Christ? Keep in mind that Christianity is the only religion that invites us to experience an intimate relationship with God. Pastor Mary Kay challenged us last week to find that relationship in an "awakening" relationship with God's Word; This week, I want to speak on igniting that passion that every disciple can enjoy and experience!

In light of what is happening in our world today, I sense that there is a "spiritual awakening" that is about to shake our world like never before. We see it being lived out politically in such diverse places as Israel, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Turkey, and Bahrain but also physically in devastating floods, hurricanes, drought, and now earthquakes the sizes of which we have never seen before.
My dear friends, the God of all Glory is allowing us to experience the birth pangs of the coming of His Son Jesus to establish His rule and reign! The kingdom of God is wherever the rule and reign of Jesus Christ is established. And guess what? If that rule and reign is soon to come , shouldn't we be awakened to our role in bringing that about? I'm talking about being about the Father's business!

As I conclude, a friend gave me these statistics that I must share with you, because Jesus prophesied about such things in Matthew. Let me quote: "From 1 A.D. to 1800 there were 11 major earthquakes recorded in history, resulting in an average of one major quake approximately every 100 years.

From 1900 to 2000, there were 10 major quakes 7.0 or higher. This resulted in an average of one major earthquake every 10 years.

This brings us to today. One of the most notable quakes was in Bam, Iran, on Dec. 26th 2003. Exactly one year later, Dec.26th 2004, Sumatra, Indonesia, experienced another massive quake and a subsequent devastating tsunami. Between these two quakes, more than 330,000 lives were lost.

From 2003 to 2007 there were 29 major earthquakes 7.0 or higher. This resulted in an average of one major quake every 49 days.

In 2008, there were 12 major quakes 7'0 or higher. This resulted in an average of one major earth quake every 37 days.

In 2009 there were 16 major quakes 7.0 or higher. This resulted in an average of one quake every 22 days.

In 2010 there were 24 major quakes 7.0 or higher. This resulted in an average of one major earthquake every 15 days."

Now scoffers will laugh and say that these are just a coincidence and the church is just trying to scare people. But the facts speak for themselves.

Sunday, a gentleman asked to speak for a brief moment concerning the devastating quake this past week in Japan. His message was simple: "It's time to awake...It's harvest time!" Come Sunday and get that passion that can put you back on the front lines or get you there for the first time! Can we be so foolish as to not discern the "signs of the times?"

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Power Passion and Purpose in the Holy Spirit

If we will be honest, as leaders we all have days where we "hit the wall," so to speak. We experience times of physical and spiritual burnout where we cannot talk to one more person, teach one more class, or preach one more sermon. I know first hand, because I have been there many times. So how do we handle these seasons of spiritual and physical drought? And secondly, if you are at that point right now, where can you turn for guidance and help?

The answer is so very simple, yet we often times miss it. Jesus' disciples were at that very point shortly before His death. They were confused, fearful, and beaten down from all the struggles. But to make matters worse, now Jesus was telling them that it was time for Him to depart.

In Jesus' farewell Discourse, (John 14-17), He shared his love for them and spoke words of destiny and truth. But most of all, He told them that, even though He would not be with them in bodily form, His Spirit would fill them and empower them for Great things.; they had a destiny and would leave a legacy that would change the world forever!

Who then is the Holy Spirit, and is He there for me now in the circumstances that I am facing as a leader or simply as a follower? First of all, the Holy Spirit is God, third part of the Holy Trinity, and what Jesus told His disciples in John 16, is for you and me right here and right now! He taught His disciples in verse 13, "But when He, the" spirit of truth" comes, He will guide you in all the truth, and He will disclose to you what is to come." In other words, if you desire His Presence and will seek Him, He will reveal the truth that will set you free!

In Acts chapter 3, after the healing of the lame beggar, (a man desperate to see God move), Peter preached his second sermon and ended with a challenge. " If you will repent and return to the Lord, your sins will be wiped away, (in other words, your past will be dealt with), in order that times of refreshing may come from the Presence of the Lord." What is the "Presence of the Lord" but the Powerful Presence of HIS Spirit"

It could be sin that has beaten you down, or as stated, weariness and fatigue that are robbing you of that joy which can never be explained unless you know Him. If you are at that point, I want to invite you to a very special morning service at High Mill this Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Kevin Kazemi, who many of you know and have been blessed by, will be speaking on "The Holy Spirit in you, on you, and flowing out of you." I envision our time together on Sunday as one of freedom, deliverance, and healing...Not to mention "Fresh Fire And Anointing in the Holy Spirit!

Our church was birthed out of the "Flames of Pentecost," and the Holy Spirit has always been and will continue to be the very core of our preaching and teaching, Glorifying Jesus. If you are new to High Mill, and your former tradition viewed the Holy Spirit in simply liturgical terms, I want to introduce you to my best friend the "Holy Spirit" in ways that maybe you have never heard nor seen. This Sunday morning can be for you a 'time of Refreshing' like every Sunday is at High Mill, but this Sunday, the focus is on leaving the desert behind, and like the lame beggar, leaping and praising God with renewed vigor and joy! Come and be set free in Worship and His Word!

Leia Mais…

Monday, January 3, 2011

Building Disciples: People who Live and Love like Jesus!

Have you ever looked around the spiritual landscape and asked yourself the question, that "for a people who are supposedly filled with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, why isn't the church making more of an impact upon society?" Or even more perplexing, why has society so infected the church that we, in many cases, have been neutralized and have compromised our God given position in our country and the world at large. I believe that one answer rises above all others.

Recently, a person came to Sunday service that I had not seen in years. He proceeded to share with me his journey and all the failures and unwise decisions that he had made along the way. In short, he was "Christian" in name only but otherwise empty, joyless, and certainly powerless to overcome his circumstances. He has represented a growing number of people that I have met over the past year that could be his spiritual clone. Why? Why is it that someone, as a new believer, can be so filled with zeal and radiant with joy and power, to only become a spiritual nomad, wandering the church landscape trying to recapture something that was once there but now seems so out of reach? I believe that there is a way to eradicate the scourge of " impotent faith" from the spiritual landscape. It is found in the building of a "spiritual infrastructure" in the heart and soul of a new believer; it is commonly known as "Building a Heart of Discipleship."

A writer once said that " Most unhappy people in the world are not unbelievers but "unsalty" Christians; In other words those who have enough of the truth implanted within to not renounce faith, but not enough power to forge ahead. Without a Heart of Discipleship becoming central to our every day existence, we stand in danger of becoming a spiritual casuality like so many that once had great futures but now languish in spiritual obscurity. Where am I headed with all of this?

High Mill was birthed in 1974 with the vision of building, training, and sending forth young leaders into a world so desperate for spiritual leadership. Through the years, we have succeeded as well as failed in our commitment to " steady the course" and stay true to that calling. Yet, through many joys and tears, blessings and pain, we have been birthed for this moment in history. As part of a larger "Kingdom Vision" involving many other Godly leaders and followers, we have spent, as leaders the past two years fasting and praying about God's direction for this new decade of the 21st century.

We haven't come up with a "new" plan or concept but have been revived by a fresh commitment to our original vision: "Building Disciples. Living and Loving Like Jesus." Our desire is not a new "campaign" with flashy promos but a profound desire to seek out those who have an old fashioned hunger and passion to produce mature fruit; a passion that is so focused that it won't give up until the job is done.

For the next six weeks, we will be sharing with you who are part of this wonderful body of believers, not so much where we have come from but where we are and most of all, vision wise, where we are headed. We won't be satisfied until every leader and ministry in our church clearly understands what our mission as a church is and focus's it's passion and energy on that mission, building Biblically strong models that can produce lasting spiritual fruit.

Most of you attending High Mill, know where our strengths lie, but what would happen if each of us as leaders intentionally focused our energies and giftings, like a Lazar, on bringing together all of our good efforts under the umbrella of not just serving but intentionally producing radical models of discipleship,( Radical Models of Jesus' Love) while we serve? Come the next six weeks, and we are going to show you how! By the way, if you don't attend a church, you are welcome to jump on board for an exciting experience that just might change the direction of your life FOREVER!

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