Thursday, August 12, 2010

Communicating The Message

For the next three weeks on Sunday mornings, I have the privilege to communicate my passion concerning what makes High Mill distinct and why someone would ever want to become part of this committed band of followers of Jesus Christ. I want to preface my comments with two thoughts; the first being that there are other solid Bible believing churches in the area, so we don't have a " corner on the truth". And secondly, High Mill Church of the Resurrection in it's "distinctness" might not be for everyone. But one thing that I know for sure is that countless lives have been changed and mature leaders formed as His unconditional love and healing have been modeled by those who have attended here through the years. So, what makes us distinct?

First, I believe that we are Authentic in our approach to vision casting. Vision is cast, not by programs, seminars, rallys, or ad campaigns, but by lives that are living out the message. That is why it so mightily important that we realize that church is not Sunday morning attendance but lives that are mentoring, building relationships, and teaching others what we have been taught! I can illustrate this through numerous illustrations of conversations that I have had this summer involving those who have come through our doors. I have heard the same words over and over again; "I am here because of what I have seen in the lives of people who attend your church." You see, when we are living out the "vision" which must be the heart of what Jesus taught, people will be drawn. We don't need an expensive ad campaign to promote our "brand of Jesus," we simply have to become His hands and feet, and the vision will be understood. The problem is that we all must see the necessity of discipleship and be willing to be stretched. We cannot just have parts of the body or church on board, but we must realize the importance that each of us has an appointment with "destiny" and how we use the gifts that God has given us.

Secondly, I believe that because of our unconditional love and acceptance, those who have experienced the wrong side of life, feel safe here. It is never the church's job to pass judgment but to lift up Jesus as an alternative to what our present day culture offers. Now before you counter with "where does sin fit in and what about dealing with sinful attitudes," let me again say that it is the Holy Spirit's job to bring conviction, not ours; our job is to listen for His voice and know when and what to say, not to have a list of rules and regulations waiting to be passed out at the church door with the Sunday morning bulletin. Let me illustrate. Many years ago, I witnessed a young man walk down the isle in a church to receive Jesus. As he knelt, with his long hair, tatted arms, and glistening ear rings, a faithful deacon or usher, who only modeled what he had seen and been taught, rushed to the front, grabbed him by the hair and yanked him off of his knees. What happened next has pierced my heart for ever and would have caused me to never have come back to any church, if I hadn't been rooted in Jesus. He said to the young man,"You get up, go take a bath,and cut your hair and then you can come back into this church and get saved." "Saved?" "Saved to be like him with an attitude like that?" God save us from such legalism that, unfortunately today, is driving many away before they even have a chance to come and understand Your love. Now, while this example might be extreme, subtle legalism can be just as lethal; attempting to shape and form others by our own set of rules instead of the love that Jesus offers.

Just to conclude these introductory thoughts, we are a church that embraces discipleship as our passion and desire. And through modeling unconditional love and working through relational evangelism, we are out to build mature and effective followers of Jesus Christ and release them as "kingdom builders" and leaders. But such a vision cannot be fulfilled if we are not all on the same page. Let me illustrate from a book written by Craig Groeschel, "How Church Leaders can Get It and Keep It."

The writer talks about three levels of "Church Buy-In." Those churches who are filled with people that are flowing in the same direction have caught the flavor and vision of the church. Others might like the church and, though they attend, they have not grasped the gift of shared purpose and vision that can be theirs. The author goes on to list the Three levels of"Vision-Buy in."

Level one: Those people who believe in the vision enough to benefit from it. "Like the person who benefits from the service at their local restaurant or work out gym. These church members have a consumer mindset. They come to church, because they like it. They recieve something that is important to them.

Level two: Those people who believe in the vision to contribute to it. "Like the person who drops some change in the Salvation Army basket at Christmas, these are people who, as consumers, are ready to contribute as long as it is easy. They are happy to help if it doesn't interfere with their schedules and or other priorities."

Level three: People who believe in the vision enough to give their lives to it. " These are people who understand the vision and get it. They recognize that their lives are not their own. They belong to Jesus. They are part of the greatest cause on earth!"

Groeschel concludes by sharing some very powerful thoughts. " Everyone craves a cause to fight for. We love to be part of something that is making a difference. As leaders, it is our role to seek God, see the vision, communicate it in a compelling way, and invite people to give their lives for the greatest cause on earth-the cause of Christ."

Let me conclude by asking you a question. If you attend High Mill, is our vision clear and is the role that you must play for it to succeed clear?" Granted, we can always do a much better job in communicating what that vision is. But could it be that you have not been seeing around you the hands and feet of Jesus being lived out in our vision? Could it be that you have not realized existing right in front of you is a church living out a dream and vision that it was called to 33 years ago? Could it be that you have allowed circumstances, self, and every day life to rob you from reaching that passion and commitment that others have been living before you? Nothing less than realizing that our lives are not our own, and that we belong to Jesus will do. It is happening before your very eyes. Look around you and see. Vision is being modeled and lived out before you this very moment!


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