Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Could This Be the Beginning of Something Great?

I wanted to write this from the moment that I got home Saturday night at 1:00 am. It wasn't that I didn't know what to write; I just didn't know what to leave out. Three days have now passed since the Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, and I still am having a hard time understanding and digesting what we experienced there Saturday afternoon.

The "Restoring Honor" rally (see my face book photo album) on the Mall grounds seemed like being in church with 500,000 believers, yet it contained all the elements of a giant political rally that never became political. It could have passed for a giant tent revival or religious pilgrimage containing people of every color, ethnicity, and social background. But for whatever reason that 500,000 people came together, one thing was certain: everyone felt a sense of awe and destiny. Without anyone having to say it, we knew that we were called there to draw a line in the spiritual sand, letting the world know that the sleeping giant, that great silent spiritual majority the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST was ready to assume it's role again in shaping the last chapter of this great countries history.

There have been several "Great Awakenings" that have swept America when her very soul languished in division and pain, with the last one being after the great Civil War. Now some are saying that the "Third Great Awakening' began on 8-28. Whether that is true, only time will tell. But I will add this: On 8-28, something happened on the mall that, despite all the political pundits and bias, has shaken America to its very core. In great times of distress and fear, God has always raised up those who would stand in the gap and be counted on to stem the tide of moral decay and hedonism. Last Saturday, 500,000 showed up to fill that gap, being led by a tv talk show host, who has laid his life on the line for the America that he loves, and not hiding behind his radio microphone.

Glenn Beck challenged the pastors present to take the "fire" back home and light it in their congregations for the world to see. He challenged moms and dads to fall on their knees and pray where their children could see them and thus know that God does matter in the lives of those who want to make a difference. I challenge you: "Could this be the beginning of something great?" Or was 8-28 just another rally on a sunny Saturday afternoon in downtown Washington, DC. ? For those of us who were there, it will never be business as usual again. The sleeping giant has been awakened, and his message will resonate in every sermon, speech, and coffee break conversation til Jesus comes again and until honor and integrity are again' honorable' in this land we love so much.


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